材料 (10cm直径約12枚)
* セモリナ粉 100g
* 塩 小1/2
* ドライイースト 小1
* 水 200cc
* メープルシロップ 小1
* 植物油(フライパン用) 適量
* ヴィーガンバター
* メープルシロップ
1. 材料をブレンダーで撹拌し、温かいところで30分ねかせる。
2. 植物油を加えて再度よく混ぜる。
3. フライパンを熱し、油をしき、生地を薄く伸ばして焼く。
4. 2-3分ほどして火が通ったら、取り出す。焦げないように注意。
5. 残りの生地も同様に焼く。
6. (デコレーション)クレープに、ヴィーガンチーズをのせ、お好みの具材をのせる。
Simple and very easy pancakes with durum wheat semolina is wonderful for a weekend breakfast.
This pancake is Moroccan style "Baghrir".
I prefer this much better than normal flour pancakes.
They are moist, elastic, and have a beautiful amber color unique to durum wheat.
It can be blended with light wheat flour.
Adding flour makes them fluffier, but I find that durum wheat is fine on its own because of its non-habitual taste.
Durum wheat is richer in good quality protein and vitamins than regular wheat, and is said to raise blood sugar levels less. (It has a much lower GI than white flour udon noodles or bread)
This time, instead of using baking powder, gently fluff the dough with dry yeast.
While the batter is sitting for 30 minutes, you can prepare the tea, butter and dishes, and then they are ready to eat hot.
You don't need to flip the pancakes, just cook one side.
Small bubbles on the surface absorb butter and maple syrup, and the taste becomes amazing.
Of course, they are also delicious with jam.
Sesame paste and maple are also delicious.
"Ingredients" (12 of 10cm round pancake )
* 100g durum wheat flour semolina
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tsp dry yeast
* 200cc water
* 1 tsp maple syrup
* some vegetable oil (for pan)
* some vegan butter
* some maple syrup
1. Blend all the ingredients of pancake into a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Let rest for 30 minutes.
3. Preheat a large non stick pan over a medium heat and add a touch of vegetable oil.
4. When the pan is hot, pour the batter and spread it out into a circle about 5 mm thick and 10 cm in diameter.
5. Cook for around 2-3 minutes until it doesn't appear wet anywhere on the surface. (not sticky or gummy when you touch it lightly.)
6. Remove the pancake from the pan.
7. Repeat the process until you’ve used up all the batter.
8. Place the pancakes on a plate, top with vegan butter and drizzle with maple syrup. Enjoy!