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#113 / Vegan Flower Cookies / フラワークッキー

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie








材料 (直径3cm約20枚)


* 米粉 50g

* 片栗粉 25g

* アーモンドプードル 25g

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* レモン皮すりおろし 1/2個分


* メープルシロップ 40g

* 植物油(私は白ごま油使用) 40g

* エディブルフラワー(ビオラ) 約20個


1. DRYの材料をボールに混ぜ、WETを加えてまとめる。

2. クッキングペーパーの上に取り出してはさみ、綿棒で7mm程度に伸ばす。

3. エディブルフラワーを乗せて再度5mm程度になるよう伸ばす。

4. 型で抜き、クッキングシートをしいたオーブン天板に並べる。

5. 160度に予熱したオーブンで20分焼く。


Edible flowers are not only beautiful to look at, but are a wonderful source of vitamin C and nutrients.

There are violas and all sorts of edible flowers that beautifully enhance salads and dishes.

These lovely flowers can be made into cookies and given as gifts.

Viola is a good choice, and borage is also lovely.

You can see the cookies with borage on my Instagram.


"Ingredients" (about 20 cookies of 3cm diameter)


* 50g rice flour

* 25g potato starch

* 25g almond powder

* a pinch of salt

* 1/2 lemon zest


* 40g maple syrup

* 40g vegetable oil (I use white sesame oil)

* 20 edible flowers



1. (Biscuit) Preheat the oven to 160°C.

2. In a medium bowl, combine the DRY ingredients and mix well with a whisk.

3. Add the WET ingredients and mix until they stick together.

4. Roll the dough between two parchment sheets with rolling pin into about 7 mm thickness.

5. Place the edible flowers on top. Press again gently into about 5 mm thickness.

6. Cut out the dough with a cookie cutter and place on a baking tray lined with a parchment paper.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 20 minutes.


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