こねないパン第五段 おつまみに最適なクラッカーのような細長いパン、”グリッシーニ”。
「#56 / ピタパン&ファラフェルサンド」
調理時間 : 一時発酵一晩+60分 / 難易度 : 簡単
* ドライイースト 小1/2
* ぬるま湯 90cc
* メープルシロップ 小1
* 強力粉 100g
* 全粒粉 50g
* 塩 小1/2
* オリーブオイル 大1
* ドライハーブ 大1/2
* 粗塩 少々
1. ボールに材料を加えて、全体がむらにならない程度までヘラで混ぜる。
2. ビニール袋に入れ、きつく縛り、冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせる。(一次発酵、または一時間発酵)
3. 袋を開いてガスを抜き、手粉をふり、生地を取り出し丸め、10分程度置いて室温にもどす。
4. 生地を綿棒で15cm* 25cmの長方形に伸ばし、長い辺を1cm幅にカットする。
5. 粗塩を台にふり、生地を転がして25cm程度に伸ばす。
6. 180°に予熱したオーブンで18-20分焼く。
* 種無しオリーブ 150g
* ニンニク 小1片
* ケッパー 小1
* オリーブオイル 大1.5
1. 材料をブレンダーでペーストにする。
* タマネギ(薄切り) 1/2個
* ニンニク 小1片
* 水 200cc
* カブ(薄切り) 中2個
* 塩 小1
* グリーンの葉(カブの葉、ほうれん草、小松菜、パセリ、チャービル、ボリジなどお好みで) 少々
* 水 300cc
* ディル 50cc
* 豆乳ヨーグルト 少々
* オリーブオイル 少々
* 粗塩 少々
* ミントの葉、クレソン 少々
* ボリジの花 少々
1. 水200ccを鍋に沸かし、タマネギとニンニクを加え、つんとした匂いがなくなり、水がひたひたになるまで煮る。
2. カブ、水、葉物、塩を加え、カブが柔らかくなるまで約10分煮る。
3. ディルを加えてブレンダーにかける。
4. 器にもりつけ、ヨーグルト、オイル、塩、花、オリーブペーストなど、お好みで飾る。
Normally the standard grissini with little flavor is wrapped with prosciutto, isn't it?
But this herb-smell salty grissini is delicious enough as is.
It's extremely easy to make, so please give it a try.
Here is the process of putting it in the overnight fermentation bag.
#56 / Pita Bread & Falafel Sandwiches
This time, I served the grissini with olive pesto tapenade.
It is good with grissini but also delicious on a baguette or on a salad like dressing or with some stick vegetables.
Though this time, I served it with soup for a more impactful flavor.
This refreshing cold soup, perfect for summer, is flavored with the aroma of dill.
Let's add green leaves of your choice for a beautiful green color.
I added borage leaves, although they are slightly unusual.
Since this soup is made without oil, it is very gentle, light and healthy.
Finish it off with some yogurt, some olive oil if you want, and borage flowers for a refreshing look and a touch of style.
Enjoy it for a nice brunch.
Cooks in overnight for fermentation + 60 min / Difficulty : easy
Ingredients (for 25 grissini)
* 1/2 tsp dry yeast
* 90cc lukewarm water
* 1 tsp maple syrup
* 100g bread flour
* 50g whole wheat flour
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* 1/2 tbsp dry herb (I used Herbes de Provence. You can also choose rosemary, thyme, marjoram, parsley..)
* some coarse salt
1. In a large bowl add dry yeast, lukewarm water and maple syrup and mix well. Add flour, salt, olive oil, and dry herb and mix well until well combined. You don’t need to knead, just combine. Put the dough into a freezer bag, bleed the air and close the bag tightly. Put it into a fridge and let rise overnight (8-12 hours). (Ferment until the bag is inflated and almost torn. Or you can also ferment for one hour in a warm place)
2. (Next day) preheat an oven at 180°C.
3. Take the dough out from the bag using flour to not to stick and round the dough. Push the dough and release the gas, roll it out. Put a wet towel on the dough and let them rest for 15 minutes.
4. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle of 15cm*25cm and cut the long side into 1cm pieces.
5. Sprinkle coarse salt on a table. On salt, roll out the long, thin dough to a length of 25 cm.
6. Place the dough carefully on the baking tray.
7. Bake at 180°C for 18-20 minutes.
”Olive pesto”
Ingredients(about 100cc)
* 150g pitted olive
* 1 small clove garlic
* 1 tsp caper
* 1.5 tbsp olive oil
1. Blend all the ingredients.
”Potage of turnip and dill”
Ingredients (for 4 people)
* 1/2 onion (sliced)
* 1 clove garlic (sliced)
* 200cc water
* 2 turnip (sliced)
* 1 tsp salt
* some green (I used borage leaves but you don’t need to add or you can also use other greens such as spinach, leaves of turnip, parsley, mint, chervil…anything you like but not too much, just for adding slightly green color)
* 300cc water
* 50cc dill
(For decoration)
* some soy yogurt, olive oil, salt, mint, borage flower, watercress…
1. Boil 200cc of water in a pan, add onion and garlic. Cook until the water has almost gone and you don’t smell the strong smell of onion.
2. Add turnip and 300cc of water, some greens, salt. Cook until all are soft for about 10 minutes.
3. Add dill and blend.
4. Pour into a dish, decorate with what you want.