ヴィーガン シュトーレン https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_Sb6z8UNpM
材料 (中パネトーネ型 直径90mm*高さ96mm 一台分)
* 豆乳 90g
* ドライイースト2g
* ココナッツオイル 大3
* メープルシロップ 大2
* バニラエキストラクト 小1/2
* ターメリック or サフランパウダー 小1/8
* レーズン 大3
* 強力粉125g
* 薄力粉25g
* コーンスターチ 10g
* 塩 小1/4
1. レーズンは、熱湯をかけ、水気をきっておく。
2. 豆乳をぬるい程度に温め、ドライイーストを混ぜて3-4分おく。
3. 2にメープルシロップ、バニラエキストラクト、ターメリック、ココナッツオイル、レーズンを加えて混ぜる。
4. ボールに粉類と塩を入れて混ぜ、3を加えて混ぜる。
5. 全体が混ざったら袋に入れ、少しこねて滑らかにし、一晩発酵させる。(一次発酵、約10時間)
6. 丸めて型に入れ、35度で70-90分、二次発酵する。(型からはみでるくらいまで)
7. オーブンを170°に予熱し、35分焼く。
8. 焼き上がったら、粗熱をしっかりとる。
This large loaf of Christmas bread, said to have originated in Milan, is a traditional bread made for preserve longer with panettone yeast, eggs, butter, and sugar to be enjoyed throughout this month long festive season.
It seems to be the standard for lots of holes and fluffy.
I finally tackled it this year after not eating it ever since I went vegan.
It was not bubbly and fluffy, but it made a flavorful and gentle panettone.
Stollen is still very popular, and I have already baked stollen many times this year, but panettone is lighter and has a gentler flavor, and I think it will become a Christmas staple as well.
My Vegan Stollen recipe is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_Sb6z8UNpM
I don't use panettone yeast, just regular dry yeast so that everyone can get and make it easily.
I also don't make them with the expectation that they will keep for a long time, so I don't use a lot of sugar.
It is time consuming, but I've reduced the number of steps to make it super easy to make.
This time I simply added raisins, but you can also make a candied citrus fruits version, or add a variety of dried fruits.
I recommend eating it on the day freshly baked, because it is so fluffy.
It will become hard when keeping in the refrigerator or cold place, so in that case, I recommend re-baking it in a toaster to make the surface crisp and the inside soft.
You can also warm it up in the microwave for about 10 seconds.
The key is to make sure to allow enough fermentation time.
For the first fermentation, I recommend overnight fermentation.
For the second fermentation, ferment until the head pops firmly out of the mold before baking.
In the video, I used turmeric powder for coloring because it's easy availability for you, but I often use saffron. If it's powdered, use a small amount in the same way as turmeric. You can also add a pinch of whole saffron (pistil) to the soy milk to add color; turmeric has a subtle aroma, so use as your preference.
I made one panettone this time, but if you want to make two, after the first fermentation, divide the dough into two parts, round them out, and make them in two molds.
It can also be done as 6 mini-sized pieces. Baking time is 25 minutes.
Veganism is not only good for your body, but also for the planet.
Ingredients (for one panettone mold Diameter 90mm*Height 96mm )
* 90g soy milk
* 2g dry yeast
* 3 tbsp coconut oil
* 2 tbsp maple syrup
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
* 1/8 turmeric powder or saffron powder
* 3 tbsp raisins
* 125g bread flour
* 25g cake flour
* 10g corn starch
* 1/4 tsp salt
1. Cover raisins with boiling water and drain well.
2. Warm soy milk to lukewarm, stir in dry yeast and let stand 3-4 minutes.
3. Add maple syrup, vanilla extract, turmeric, coconut oil, and raisins to mixture.
4. Mix bread flour, cake flour, corn starch and salt in a bowl and add the liquid mixture.
5. When all is mixed well, put the dough into a freezer bag, knead slightly to smooth.
6. Bleed the air and close the bag tightly and put it into a fridge and let rise overnight (primary fermentation, about 10 hours, Ferment until the bag is inflated and almost torn.)
7. Round the dough, put it in a mold and leave it to ferment for 70-90 minutes at 35°C. (until the dough slightly comes out of the mold)
8. Preheat oven to 170° and bake for 35 minutes.
9. After baking, let cool panettone and cut.