材料 (約36個)
* 薄力粉 150g
* アーモンドパウダー 50g
* すりゴマ 30g
* インスタントコーヒー 大1
* 塩 小1/2
* ココナツオイル(無香、溶かす) 90cc
* メープルシロップ 大2
1. オーブンを180度に予熱する。
2. DRYの材料をボールに混ぜ、WETの材料を加えてまとめる。
3. 四角い棒状に伸ばし(動画参照)、冷蔵庫で30分冷やし固める。
4. 包丁で7mm幅ずつカットし、オーブンの天板にのせる。
5. 180度のオーブンで約15分焼く。
How about quick and easy crispy cookies with plenty of sesame seeds?
Perfect as a gift too!It's nice to make it quickly and give it to someone with a feeling of gratitude.
Even if you make a lot, you can put them in the freezer and always pick up a little bit.
For instant coffee, I use grain coffee.
It's OK without coffee. If you put it in, it will be slightly richer flavor.
Ingredients (for 36 cookies)
* 150g all purpose flour
* 50g almond powder
* 30g ground sesame
* 1 tbsp instant coffee powder
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 2 tbsp maple syrup
* 90cc refined coconut oil (melted)
1. Preheat the oven at 180C.
2. Put all the DRY ingredients in a bowl and mix.
3. Add all the WET ingredients and mix until well combined. Don’t kneed.
4. Roll out into a square bar (see video) and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden.
5. Cut each 7mm width with a knife and put it on the baking sheet of the oven.
6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.