* 薄力粉 75g
* カカオパウダー 20g
* アーモンドパウダー 15g
* 重曹 小1/4
* 塩 ひとつまみ
* 豆乳 100cc
* リンゴ酢 小1/2
* メープルシロップ 大3
* 植物油 大1.5
* アプリコットジャム 大2
Chocolate Coating
* 72%ダークチョコレート 50g
* 水 大2
* メープルシロップ 大1
For Chocolate cake bites
* レーズン 大2
* クルミ (ローストして刻む) 大2
* カカオパウダー 大1
1. 型にクッキングシートをしいておく。
2. オーブンを180度に予熱する。
3. DRYをボールにふるい入れる。
4. WETを別の器に上から順によく混ぜ、3に加えて粉気がなくなるまでさっと混ぜたら型に流し入れる。
5. 180度のオーブンで27分、串を刺して生地がつかなくなるまで焼く。
6. 粗熱を取り、型から取り出す。
7. 約1cm厚みで下から3枚取り、一番上のケーキの膨らんだ部分は取り除く。
8. それぞれの間にアプリコットジャムを塗りサンドする。
9. (コーティング) チョコレート、水、メープルを湯煎で溶かし、かき混ぜながらとろみがつくまで冷やし、固まる前にケーキに一気にかける。
10. 冷蔵庫で冷やし固める。
11. (チョコレートケーキボール) 削ぎ落とした部分は、レーズンとクルミを混ぜ、余ったチョコレートクリームと合わせて丸め、一口大のボールにし、カカオパウダーをまぶす。
Sachertorte is a traditional Austrian chocolate cake, with apricot jam and chocolate fondant.
The authentic Sachertorte is, of course, with egg, butter, and plenty of sugar.
But it's sweet enough with just chocolate coating even without using so much sugar.
Let's make a vegan Sachertorte that can be satisfied with a thin slice.
This time, I sliced the cake 4 layers, used the 3 layers and remove the dome, but it's okay if you don't cut the dome off.
You can of course cut it in half and spread 2 tbsp of apricot jam in between.
The key point of the chocolate coating is timing.
If it's hot, it'll all run off, so let it cool until a little thicker. And apply it all at once before it hardens.
"Oh, it hardened and I couldn't coat it beautifully!", in such a case, flatten it with a palette knife and sprinkle cacao powder on top.
This time, I used the cut off part of the cake to make another bonus treat.
I made a bite ball with chocolate sponge, raisins, walnuts, and leftover chocolate coating.
Roll it tightly into a ball.
If you don't cut off the dome, you can pour the coating chocolate which has run onto the tray, over the top of the cake once more.
Cake (12cm round tin)
* 75g cake flour
* 15g almond powder
* 20g cacao powder
* 1/4 tsp BS
* A pinch of salt
* 100g soy milk
* 1 tsp vinegar apple cider or white wine
* 60g maple syrup
* 1.5 tsp vegetable oil
* 100g apricot jam
Chocolate Glaze
* 50g 72% dark chocolate
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
* 1.5 tbsp water
For Chocolate cake ball
* 2 tbsp raisins
* 2 tbsp walnuts (roasted and chopped)
* 1 tbsp cacao powder
1. Preheat an oven to 180˚C. Put a parchment paper in a cake tin.
2. Combine Dry ingredients in a medium bowl.
3. Combine Wet ingredient in a glass.
4. Add the Wet mixture into the Dry mixture, and mix well into a smooth batter.
5. Pour into the cake tin and bake at 180˚C for about 27 minutes, or until a cake testing needle comes out clean.
6. Remove the cake from the oven, allow it to sit in the pan on the counter or rack for approximately 15 minutes.
7. Take the cake out of the tin and let cool down for at least an hour in a room temperature or 30 minutes in a fridge.
8. Take 3 pieces from the bottom with a thickness of about 1 cm and remove the bulging part of the top.
9. Take 3 pieces of sponge sliced into 1 cm width and remove the dome part of the top.
10. Apply apricot jam between each and sand.
11. Set a cake cooler on a tray to catch the excess glaze drips and transfer the cake to the cake cooler.
12. (Coating) Melt chocolate, water, and maple in a hot water double bath.
13. Cool while stirring until thickened, and pour the glaze over the cake all at once before it hardens.
14. (Chocolate cake bites) Chop the rest part of the cake and mix with raisins, walnuts and rest of the coating chocolate.