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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#152 / Vegan Unicorn Cheese Cake (nut free) / ヴィーガン ユニコーン チーズケーキ (ナッツなし)

















* 木綿豆腐 150g (約200gを一晩重しをして水切りしたもの)

* 豆乳ヨーグルト 150g

* メープルシロップ 大4

* 白味噌 小2

* 米粉 8g

* 寒天 1.5g


* レモン汁5cc, バニラ小1/4, 溶かしたココナッツオイル大2

* レモン汁5cc, バニラ小1/4, 溶かしたココナッツオイル大2, ストロベリー(常温) 25g

* レモン汁5cc, バニラ小1/4, 溶かしたココナッツオイル大2, ブルーベリー(常温) 25g


* 水 100cc

* バタフライピ ー3個

* レモン汁 小1/4

* メープル 小1/2

* 葛粉 小1/2

* 水 大1


  1. 木綿豆腐は一晩水切りし、ベリー類が冷凍の場合は解凍して少し温めてく。

  2. ベリー類は常温にし、色付け用の三種類の材料をそれぞれ器に混ぜ、温かい状態に保っておく。

  3. フィリングの材料をブレンダーにかけてなめらかにし、小鍋に入れ、ヘラでよくかき混ぜながら火にかける。底がこげつかないように絶えずかきまぜ (焦げ付きやすいので要注意)、 ふつふつ沸騰を始めたら中弱火にし、1-2分煮る。

  4. 生地を2の色付け用の三種類の器に分け、手早く合わせる。(ビデオ参照)

  5. 型に三色交互に流し入れ、冷蔵庫に2時間以上入れ、しっかり冷やし固める。

  6. 艶出し用の水を鍋に入れ、バタフライピーを三つ入れて加熱する。沸騰したら弱火で3-5分煮て色を出し、花を取り出す。

  7. メープルとレモン汁を加え、水で溶いた葛粉を加えて急いでかき混ぜ、混ぜながら再度火にかける。

  8. 1-2分煮てとろみがついたら火を止める。

  9. ケーキの上にかけ、お好みでミントやエディブルフラワーを飾る。

  10. 冷蔵庫でよく冷やす。


Unicorn food, said to be a pastel, colorful, sparkling, dreamy food.

After seeing pictures of various unicorn foods, I too have a bit of a yearning for the storybook world of it.

But rather than coloring food with chemical strong colors, I feel that using gentle, natural ingredients is closer to a true dream that comforts both the body and the soul.

With this in mind, I have created a gentle pastel-colored version of non baked cheese cake.

For the topping, I wanted to add a natural beauty, so I decided to use borage flowers that I grow in my garden.

Instead of putting glittery toppings colored with synthetic colors on sugar, decorating with edible flowers is a great way to add vitamins.

This time I really wanted to make it nut-free for making the cake lighter, which took many trial and error.

But the ingredients are very simple, and the instructions are easy.

I used agar agar and rice flour.

When you cook it on the heat, it burns very easily and pops out of the pan, so be careful while stirring constantly.

You need to cook it for 1-2 minutes after it starts boiling or the agar will not have the same hardening effect.

And as for the berries used for coloring, if you use frozen berries, make sure they are thawed and not cold. If they are cold when combined with the cooked tofu mixture, they will harden quickly and make it impossible to create a marbled pattern in the mold.

You can do without the thickened glaze on top, but the glaze makes a beautiful surface.



(For the filling)

* 150g firm tofu (drained 200 g firm tofu overnight)

* 150g soy yogurt

* 4 tbsp maple syrup

* 2 tsp white miso

* 8g (2 tsp) rice flour

* 1.5g (1/4+1/8 tsp) agar


* 5 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp coconut oil

* 5 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 25g strawberries

* 5 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 25g blueberries

(For glazing)

* 3 butterfly pea flowers

* 100 cc water

* 1/4 tsp lemon juice

* 1/2 tsp maple syrup

* 1/2 tsp arrowroot powder

* 1 tbsp water


  1. Drain tofu overnight.

  2. Let the berries come to room temperature. Combine the three coloring ingredients (plain, strawberry, and blueberry) in their own bowls and keep not cold.

  3. Blend the filling ingredients in a blender to a smooth consistency, place in a saucepan and heat, stirring constantly with a spatula to prevent the bottom from burning (it burns easily). When the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for 1-2 minutes.

  4. Divide the dough into the three coloring bowls and quickly combine them.

  5. Pour the dough into the molds, alternating between the three colors, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to chill and harden.

  6. Pour the 100cc water for glazing into a saucepan, add the butterfly peas, and heat. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes to release the color, then remove the flowers.

  7. Add the maple syrup, lemon juice, and the arrow powder mixed with 1 table spoon of water and heat again, stirring constantly.

  8. Simmer for a minute or two to thicken, then turn off the heat.

  9. Pour over cake and garnish with mint or edible flowers, if desired.

  10. Refrigerate well.

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