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#164 / Vegan Browny (GF is possible) / ヴィーガン ブラウニー(グルテンフリーも可能)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie
















材料 (18cm*18cm型一台分)


* 絹豆腐 100g

* メープルシロップ 75g

* 植物油 45g


* 薄力粉(米粉) 60g

* カカオパウダー 25g

* 片栗粉 15g

* 重曹 小1/4

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* クルミ(刻む) 30g

* チョコレートチップ 50g


1. オーブンを200度に予熱し、型にクッキングペーパーをしく。(型がない場合は、オーブン可能なバットや耐熱容器を使ったり、クッキングシートで形を作ってもよい。焼き時間は調節して。)

3. ボールにWETの材料を入れてホイッパーで混ぜ、豆腐の形がほぼ見えなくなるまで撹拌する。

4. DRYの材料をふるい入れ、クルミとチョコチップも加え、粉気がなくなるまでゴムベラでさっくり混ぜる。

5. 型に流し入れ、200度のオーブンで約13分、串をさして生地がつかなくなるまで焼く。

6. 粗熱を取り、型からはずし、好みの大きさにカットする。


In fact, I never really liked brownies.

I like chocolate sponge, but brownies were too heavy for me.

The cacao powder in them generally makes the cake richer than regular flavored ones, so maybe cacao with the eggs and butter made them seem much heavier than pound cake for me.

But if you think about it, a cocoa sponge with chocolate chips and walnuts sounds absolutely delicious…

I thought that if it were vegan, it could be made much lighter, so that's what I did this time.

I've recently been using my favorite dough with tofu, which not only keeps the dough moist, but also increases the protein content and makes it healthier, so it's a perfect ingredient.

This time I made it with wheat flour, but you can replace it with rice flour.

The texture of the rice flour version melts in your mouth more, and I prefer the rice flour version.

However, the rice flour version is very fragile, difficult to cut , so delicate that it falls apart when you just hold it in your hands. So I recommend using a cocotte or something similar mold, baking it for one person at a time, and eating it with a spoon.

So if you want to cut it up and take it with you or give it as a gift, wheat flour is the way to go.

Anyway both are delicious.

Give them a try.


Ingredients (18cm*18cm mold)


* 60g all purpose flour

* 25g cocoa powder

* 15g potato starch

* 1/4 tsp baking soda

* A pinch of salt


* 100g silken tofu

* 45g vegetable oil

* 75g maple syrup

* 30g Walnuts (chopped)

* 50g chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a mold with cooking paper. (If you do not have a mold, you can use an ovenproof baking dish or making a square box with a cookie sheet. Baking time should be adjusted.)

2. Put the WET ingredients in a bowl and mix with a whipper, stirring until the tofu is almost invisible.

3. Sift the DRY ingredients into the bowl, add the walnuts and chocolate chips, and mix gently with a spatula until the mixture is thoroughly combined.

4. Pour the mixture into the molds and bake in a 200°C oven for about 13 minutes, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

5. Remove from heat, unmold, and cut into desired size.


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