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#178 / Vegan & Gluten Free Quiche / ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー キッシュ

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie


vegan & gluten free quiche
ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー キッシュ








フィリングは、今回は前回のお豆腐バージョン( と違って、お豆腐ではなくオートミールを使います。











* 米粉 45g

* アーモンドプードル 30g

* ベーキングパウダー 小1/4

* 塩 小1/8

* 植物油 (白ごま油) 大1.5

* 豆乳 大1 (冷たく)

* メープルシロップ 小1


* ココナッツミルク 100cc

* 豆乳 80cc

* オートミール 大3

* 米粉 大1

* メープルシロップ 小1/2

* 塩 小1/4

* ドライタイム 小1/8

* 玉ねぎ (みじんぎり) 少々

* ブロッコリー (みじんぎり) 少々

* パプリカ (5mm角) 少々

* マッシュルーム (5mm角) 少々

* オリーブオイル 大1


1. 型に薄く油をぬり、オーブンを180度に予熱する。

2. タルト生地の米粉、アーモンドプードル、ベーキングパウダー、塩をボールに入れ、白ごま油を入れてポロポロに混ぜる。

3. 豆乳とメープルシロップを加えてまとめ、型の大きさより少し大きめに伸ばす。

4. 生地の上に型をおき、そっとひっくり返し、生地を型にしきつめる。(サイドの厚みを調節する。)

5. フォークで底面に何箇所か穴を開け、180度に予熱したオーブンで18分焼く。

6. フライパンにオリーブオイルを熱し、具を炒める。

7. アパレイユの材料をブレンダーでピューレする。

8. タルト生地が焼けたらオーブンから取り出し、アパレイユを注ぐ。

9. 液がタルト型からあふれない程度に具を加える。(具が残った場合は、焼けた後に飾るとよい。)

10. 180度のオーブンで20分焼く。

11. 10分ほど粗熱をとってからカットする。


This time the tart dough is gluten free.

It is crispy and very tasty.

Unlike wheat flour dough, it crumbles, so it is a little difficult to fill the tart tin, but if there is a hole, just take out the dough and fill it in.

When baked, the bottom of the tart tends to crack easily (my tart too in the video), but don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if the crack isn’t too big. But it is better to make the bottom a little thicker.

For the appareil, I tried a different version from the last quiche video(

This time without tofu, instead, oatmeal is used.

I actually prefer this to the tofu version.

It has a gratin-like texture, but very light.

However, the color of the baked quiche is not as good as the tofu version, so you may be creative with the finishing touches. Decorating the top of the baked quiche with vegetables makes it look more festive.

I did not dare to decorate on top to show you the surface in the video.

Any vegetable filling is fine, but too much will cause the liquid appareil to overflow, so keep an eye on it when adding.

If the bottom of the tart dough is cracked when baked, don't worry about it; you can pour the appareil batter over it. For molds that come off the bottom, you can run a knife through the bottom of the mold when take it off.

However, if the liquid overflows the sides, it will stick to the side molds and break easily when unmolding. (Especially if the side of the mold is wavy like mine)

Be careful not to let the appareil overflow.


For tart pastry (15cm tart tin with removable bottom)

* 45g rice flour

* 30g almond powder

* 1/4 tsp baking powder

* 1/8 tsp salt

* 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil

* 1 tbsp soy milk (cold)

* 1 tsp maple syrup

For Appareil

* 100cc coconut milk

* 80cc soy milk

* 3 tbsp oatmeal

* 1 tbsp rice flour

* 1/2 tsp maple syrup

* 1/4 tsp salt

* 1/8 tsp dried thyme

For Filling

* some onion (finely chopped)

* some paprika (chopped)

* some broccoli flower buds (chopped)

* some mushrooms (chopped)

* 1 tbsp olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Brush the tart tin with a thin layer of oil.

3. Add the rice flour, almond powder, baking powder and salt to a medium bowl and mix together. 

4. Add the vegetable oil and mix until crumbly. 

5. Add the soy milk and maple syrup and put together into a dough.

6. Roll out a little larger than the tart tin.

7. Place the tin on top of the tart dough and carefully turn it over. Tuck it in along the sides. Trim off any excess dough that sticks out of the mold and add it to the thin dough on the sides.

8. Poke holes in the dough with a fork.

9. Add the olive oil to a pan along with the chopped vegetables and sauté until all are cooked. 

10. Add all the ingredients of the appareil in a blender, process until it reaches a smooth consistency.

11. When the tart is baked, take off the tart from oven (Be careful not to burn), and pour the appareil to your tart crust.

12. Add sautéed ingredients, just enough to keep the liquid from overflowing. (Any leftover may be garnished after baking.)

13. Place it into the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 180C until firm. 

14. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.


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