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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#180 / Vegan & Gluten Free & Oil Free Biscotti / ヴィーガン & グルテンフリー & オイルフリー ビスコッティ










材料 (約15本)


* アーモンドプードル 100g

* 米粉 50g

* コーンスターチ (タピオカ粉、片栗粉、葛粉でも) 20g

* 砂糖 40g

* ベーキングパウダー 小1

* 塩 小1/4

* 水 大3

* クランベリー 大2

* アーモンド 大2


1. オーブンを180℃に予熱する。

2. ボールにDRYの材料を入れて泡立て器でよく混ぜる。

3. 水、クランベリー、アーモンドを加え、まとめる。(はじめはパサパサでまとまるか不安になるかもしれないが、混ぜているうちにまとまる)

4. クッキングペーパーの上に取り出し、厚さ1cm、幅6cm、長さ20cm程度の大きさにまとめる。

5. 180°Cのオーブンで20分焼き、取り出す。

6. 濡布巾をかけて、10分あら熱を取る。

7. オーブンを160℃に予熱する。

8. まな板に生地を移動し、1cm幅程度にそっとカットする。(割れやすいが、できるだけゆっくりそっとカットする。割れた部分は試食用にしよう。いっぱい割れてもそれはそれで嬉しい。)

9. カットした面を上に向けて、クッキングシートの上に並べ、再度160℃で25分焼く。

10. 焼けたら、そのままオーブンの中に15分いれておく。

11. とりだして完全に冷まし、密閉容器に保存する。


Vegan and Gluten-free and Oil-free! Wonderful, isn't it?

It's crispy and very tasty, thanks to the rich deliciousness of almond powder.

I used cornstarch as the starch, but other starches can also be used.

Personally, I think tapioca flour tastes the best and potato starch gives the best crispiness. Cornstarch is somewhere in between. So I chose this.

When you add water and start mixing, the mixture will be dry and you may wonder if it will hold together, but as you press down on it, the water will be distributed throughout the mixture and it will hold together. Depending on the rice flour or starch you use, there will be a slight difference, but I don't think you need to add more water.

After the second baking in the oven, let them dry out thoroughly in the oven; you can leave them in the oven for 15 minutes or more. Then, remove from heat and place in an airtight container. If there is any heat remaining, it will become moist a bit.

If they get moist, bake them again at about 160°C for 10-15 minutes to crisp them back up. Be careful not to burn them.

This time I added almonds and cranberries, but you can use raisins, figs, pistachios, peanuts, or whatever you like.


Ingredients (Approx. 15 biscotti)


* 100g almond flour

* 50g rice flour

* 20g cornstarch starch (tapioca starch, potato starch, arrowroot starch are also OK)

* 40g brown sugar

* 1 tsp baking powder

* 1/4 tsp salt

* 3 tbsp water

* 2 tbsp cranberries

* 2 tbsp almond toasted


1. Preheat oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the DRY ingredients.

3. Add the water, cranberries and almonds to the DRY mixture, and combine.

 (This mixture will seem very dry at first but should come together after working for a couple of minutes.)

4. Put dough on the parchment paper.

5. Shape dough into a log that measures roughly 20cm long, 6cm wide, and over 1cm high.

6. Bake in the preheated oven tp 180C for 20 minutes.

7. Remove from oven, put a wet and tightly wrung towel over the log and let it rest for 10 minutes.

8. Preheat oven to 160C.

9. Move the log onto a cutting board and slice the log into 15 biscotti, about 1cm width. (Slice slowly and carefully, although they are easily broken. Broken pieces are for tasting;)).

10. Place slices cut side down on the parchment paper on the baking tray.

11. Bake again for 25 minutes.

12. Leave the biscotti in the oven for 15 minutes.

13. Remove biscotti from oven, let cool completely, and store in an airtight container.


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