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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#186 / Chocolate Bite Cake (Vegan & Gluten Free) / 一口チョコレートケーキ(ヴィーガン& グルテンフリー)
















* バナナ 85-90g (約中1本)

* 豆乳100cc

* メープルシロップ 大2

* バニラエキストラクト 小1

* オーツ粉 50g (約100cc)

* アーモンドプードル 40g (約100cc)

* ココアパウダー 15g (約大2)

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* ベーキングパウダー 小1/2

* 重曹 小1/4

* チョコレート (私は72%チョコレートを使用) 200g

* ドライフルーツ (デコレーション用) お好みで


  1. オーブンを180度に予熱する。

  2. 15cm*15cm*高さ3cm程度の型にクッキングペーパーをしく、またはクッキングペーパーで型を作る。

  3. ボールにバナナを入れてつぶし、豆乳、メープルシロップ、バニラエキストラクトを加えて混ぜる。

  4. オーツ粉、アーモンドプードル、ココアパウダー、塩を加えてよく混ぜる。

  5. ベーキングパウダーと重曹を加えて混ぜ、型に流し入れる。

  6. 180度のオーブンで25-30分焼く。

  7. 焼き上がったら粗熱を取り、冷蔵庫で冷やす。

  8. まわりを切り落とし、3cm*3cm程度の大きさににカットする。

  9. チョコレートを湯煎で溶かし、ケーキをコーティングし、クッキングペーパーの上に置く。

  10. ドライフルーツを飾り、冷蔵庫で冷やし固める。

  11. 切り落として残った生地とチョコレートがあれば、ボールに入れてよくつぶして混ぜ合わせ、一口大に丸める。ココアパウダーなどをまぶす。


The batter is gluten-free with a banana base and oat flour.

It is very light and fluffy. If your bananas are ripe and sweet, you can reduce the maple syrup to 1 tablespoon.

If you prefer a more moist and sticky texture, try replacing the soy milk with 120 grams of silken tofu. I like both types of dough. The texture is very different.

This time, I used less sweetness for the dough, because I assumed chocolate coating, but if you want to eat just the dough without coating, how about sandwiching jam?

Both jam and chocolate coating go absolutely well. Gorgeous taste. I think apricot jam or marmalade would go well with it.

In the video, I show a case where the dough is made only with parchment paper mold without a tough mold.

The dough will puff up and lose its shape, so cut the edges off after baking.

Since the chocolate coating gradually becomes less and less beautiful, it is recommended to melt the first 100 g of chocolate and coat half of the cake, then melt the remaining 100 g of chocolate and coat the rest of the cake, so that all the cake can be coated relatively cleanly.

You will also have extra dough and chocolate left over, so mix them together and roll them into bite-size pieces with your hands. You can sprinkle cacao powder, powdered sugar, coconut fine, matcha powder, etc., to make another kind of sweet that tastes good enough.

For decorations, I used dried fruits such as mango, kiwi, banana, apple.

If you like, you can use dried edible rose petals, edible flowers, Himalayan salt, chopped pistachios, cacao nibs, almond slices, freeze-dried raspberries, matcha powder, arazan, etc. The decoration possibilities are endless.

Have fun with it!


Ingredients (for 25 cakes of 3cm*3cm)

* 85-90g banana

* 100cc soy milk

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tsp vanilla extract

* 50g oat flour (approx 100cc)

* 40g almond powder (approx 100cc)

* 15g cacao powder (approx 2 tbsp)

* a pinch salt

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/4 tsp baking soda

* 100g chocolate (72% chocolate)

* some dried fruits for decoration


  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.

  2. Line a mold (about 15cm*15cm*3cm high) with parchment paper, or make a mold out of parchment paper.

  3. Mash bananas in a bowl, add soy milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract and mix well.

  4. Add oat flour, almond powder, cacao powder, and salt and mix well.

  5. Add baking powder and baking soda, mix and pour into molds.

  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 25-30 minutes.

  7. Remove from heat.

  8. Cut off the edges of the cake and cut into 3cm*3cm pieces.

  9. Melt the chocolate in a pan of simmering water, coat the cake, and place on a sheet of parchment paper.

  10. Decorate with dried fruits and refrigerate until set.

  11. If you have leftover cake and chocolate, put them together in a bowl, combine well, and roll into bite-size pieces. Sprinkle with cacao powder.


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