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#197 / My Best Vegan & Gluten Free Bread / しっとり絹のようなヴィーガン & グルテンフリー 食パン

vegan & gluten free bread
ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー パン



























材料 (中パウンド型1台分)

* 米粉(ミズホチカラ)200g

* オートミール 50g

* ドライイースト 小1

* 塩 小1

* 温かい豆乳 250g

* メープルシロップ 大1

* 油 大1

* サンフラワーシード 適量

* パンプキンシード 適量

* ヘンプシード 適量

1. フードプロセッサーに材料を全て入れ、オートミールができるだけ細かくなるようしっかり撹拌する。

2. 型にクッキングシートをしき、パン生地を流し入れる。

3. シードを散らす。

4. 温かいところ(35C)で30分発酵させる。(約1.5倍)

5. その間にオーブンを180度に予熱する。

6. 型の上にホイルまたは型ををかぶせる。(パンが膨らんでもつかないくらいの高さにする)

7. 180度のオーブンで30分焼く。

8. ホイルまたは型をはずして、10分焼く。

9. 上に濡れた布巾をのせて、粗熱をしっかり1時間以上とってからカットする。


Very tasty vegan & gluten-free bread!

And it's so easy.

What you have to do to make the dough is just put all the ingredients in a food processor.

The important point is to blend the dough in a food processor until the oatmeal is as fine as possible.

While blending, the dough will slightly warm up and fermentation will be encouraged.

Baking with the lid on will keep the dough moist without making it dry and hard.

I highly recommend placing another cake mold on top.

You could use aluminum foil, but it would end up in the garbage afterwards, and since the mixture puffs up so tall, you have to worry about it sticking to the top.

It is also easy to remove the lid while baking.

I baked the bread with the seeds on top of the dough, but if you don't have seeds, it is not necessary.

The top of the bread will inevitably dry out and crack, so the finished bread will look better if you put them on top.

The dough is very moist, so if you put a lot of heavy things like dried fruits on it, it will sink.

However, it is also delicious with dried raisins.

Once baked, the second key is to let it cool completely before cutting.

The video shows what happens if you cut it while it is still warm (although you can't see it clearly).

The dough is still viscous and will stick to the knife and form lumps.

When cut after it cools, it is really silky smooth and moist.

Even if you keep it in the fridge, it will still be soft the next day. It is also delicious baked and crispy.

In this video, I made sandwiches with it, but I really want you to eat it without anything on it.

First, taste the moistness of the bread,

Then eat it with just butter or jam.

When it gets dry, I recommend toasting it and making sandwiches with it.


Ingredients (8*18*6cm cake mold)

* 200g rice flour

* 50g oatmeal

* 3g dry yeast

* 1 tsp salt

* 250cc lukewarm soy milk

* 1 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tbsp vegetable oil (I use white sesame oil)

* some sunflower seeds

* some pumpkin seeds

* some hemp seeds


  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend thoroughly to make the oatmeal as fine as possible. 

  2. Line a mold with a parchment paper and pour the dough into the mold.

  3. Sprinkle with the seeds (optional). 

  4. Ferment the dough in a warm place (35C) for 30 minutes. (about 1.5 times)

  5. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C.

  6. Cover the top of the mold with foil or a mold. (Make sure it is high enough so that it does not stick to the top of the pan when it rises.

  7. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.

  8. Remove the foil or mold and bake for another 10 minutes.

  9. Cover the top with a wet cloth and let stand at least 1 hour before cutting. Make sure the bread is completely cooled.


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