いや、これは面倒だ、難しい!という場合、生地をちぎってグラスに入れ (例えばエスプレッソカップのような)、チョコレートクリームを流して固めるのもオススメ。味は同じ。
材料(底の取れる12cm丸型)160C 30min
* ヨーグルト 100g
* メープルシロップ 大3
* 植物油 大2
* レモン汁 小1
* 塩 ひとつまみ
* 米粉50g
* アーモンドプードル 30g
* コーンスターチ 15g
* カカオパウダー 12g
* ベーキングパウダー 小1/2
* 重曹 小1/4
* ココナッツミルク 80cc
* 粉寒天 小1/2
* ヴィーガン チョコレート 60g
* カシューナッツ60g(一晩浸水する)
* ココナッツミルク 160cc
* メープルシロップ 40cc
* バニラエキストラクト 小1
* 塩 ひとつまみ
(スポンジ生地) 型にクッキングシートをしき、オーブンを160度に予熱する。
(チョコレートクリーム) カシューナッツから塩までの材料をブレンダーにかけてなめらかにしておく。
I have posted a chocolate mousse cake once before, but this time it is a chocolate mousse that is easy to make even in summer. Vegan & Gluten Free version.
Using the same technique of cream as the Victoria Sandwich Cake, it is arranged into a chocolate mousse.
For the Victoria Sandwich Cake, I dared to use it in cream form, but this time, using the properties of agar agar, the cream is hard to melt, so that it's very nice to make in hot summer.
The process is a bit complicated, but you might be very happy when it turns out well.
I use a 12cm round tin with removable bottom and a 10-10.5cm mousse ring.
I divide the sponge dough into three equal parts, and this time I did not use the top.
If you think, "No, this is tedious, difficult!",
I recommend tearing off the dough and putting it in a glass (like an espresso cup for example) and pouring the chocolate cream over it to harden. The taste is the same.
It is very, very easy and convenient and can be made in any amount you want depending on the size of the glass, which makes it beautiful.
As in the video, decorate it with coconut cream and you have a lovely dessert.
The chocolate cream is rich with coconut milk but very light.
The gluten-free sponge is also light, so the cake looks substantial but is very gentle.
The sponge dough can be made exactly the same way, replacing the rice flour with wheat flour. The rice flour version will feel like it is falling apart, while the wheat flour version is a bit more elastic.
Ingredients(12cm round tin with removable bottom)
(sponge cake dough)
* 100g plant-based yogurt
* 3 tbsp maple syrup
* 2 tbsp vegetable oil
* 1 tsp lemon juice
* a pinch salt
* 50g rice flour
* 30g almond powder
* 15g corn starch
* 12g cacao powder
* 1/2 tsp baking powder
* 1/4 tsp baking soda
(chocolate cream)
* 80cc coconut milk
* 1/2 tsp agar powder
* 60g vegan chocolate
* 60g cashew nuts(soaked overnight)
* 160cc coconut milk
* 40cc maple syrup
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* a pinch salt
* some whipped coconut cream
(Sponge cake) Preheat oven to 160C. Line a mold with parchment paper.
In a bowl, combine the WET ingredients and mix well with a whisk until smooth.
Sift in the DRY ingredients, mix well, and pour into the mold.
Bake in a preheated oven at 160C for about 30 minutes.
Remove from heat completely and unmold.
Slice the cake into three equal portions. The dough at the top is not used this time. Cut the remaining two slices into a 10 cm diameter mousse ring.
Place one slice on the plate of the center of the 12cm mold, and put the mousse ring on.
(chocolate cream) Blend cashew nuts, coconut milk(160cc), maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt in a blender until smooth.
Put the coconut milk(80cc) in a saucepan, sprinkle in the agar agar, mix well. Heat and bring to a boil, then simmer for 1 minute.
Add chocolate, melt and add to cashew cream mixture and mix well (don’t use blender).
(Assembly) Place a slice of sponge in the cellule and set it on a 12 cm round base plate.
Pour the cream inside the 10 cm diameter mousse ring and on top of the sponge to a depth of about 1.5 cm, place another sheet on top, and refrigerate to harden.
Keep the remaining cream warm so that it does not harden.
Place the mousse ring in the 12cm mold carefully, and remove the cellule.
Pour and fill with the remaining cream over the sponge and refrigerate until set.
16. Unmold, cut, and garnish with coconut cream, if desired.