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#222 / Sweet Potato Tart (V & GF ) / サツマイモのタルト(ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie


Sweet Potato Tart (V & GF ) / サツマイモのタルト(ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)













材料 (15cmタルト型程度の大きさ)


* サツマイモ 300g

* メープルシロップ 大2

* 無香ココナッツオイル 大1

* 豆乳 大1

* シナモンパウダー 小1/2

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* レーズン 45g


* そば粉 45g

* 米粉 35g

* 片栗粉 25g

* きび砂糖 大1

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* 無香ココナッツオイル 50g

* メープルシロップ 大1

  1. オーブンに天板を入れて180度に予熱しておく。

  2. (フィリング)サツマイモは5mm幅にカットし、約10分、柔らかく蒸す。

  3. 蒸したサツマイモの1/3程度、キレイな部分を、飾り用にとり、残りの2/3をボールに入れてマッシャーで潰す。

  4. フィリングの残りの材料を加えて混ぜる。

  5. レーズンも加えて混ぜ、粗熱をとっておく。

  6. (タルト生地) フードプロセッサーに粉類とココナッツオイルを加えて撹拌する。

  7. 水を大1加えて攪拌し、細かくなったら再度大1の水を加えてさっと撹拌する。(引っつき始める)

  8. クッキングシートの上に生地を取り出し、上にクッキングシートをのせ、25cm直径程度の円に伸ばす。

  9. 5cmほど外側をあけてフィリングをのせ、5cmの生地部分を織り込む。(動画参照)

  10. サツマイモを飾り、180度のオーブンで35分焼く。

  11. 焼き上がったら天板ごと取り出し、メープルシロップを全体に塗る。(焼き上がりは柔らかいので気をつける)

  12. 粗熱が取れたらカットする。


A tart filled with sweet potatoes that you eat with the skin too.

It is so satisfying.

The dough this time is a gluten-free and vegan dough with buckwheat flour.

You may be worried about its softness when freshly baked, but it will crisp up once the heat is removed.

It is a very tasty dough, more like an American pie than a tart.

The buckwheat flour dough has a presence to match the dense sweet potato filling well.

I only added a hint of cinnamon, but you can sprinkle it at the end or in the dough if you like.

I didn't use that much sweetness in both the filling and the dough, but the key is to spread the maple on the dough at the end after baked, which adds sweetness and makes it very satisfying.

The filling alone is also delicious.


Ingredients(About the size of a 15cm tart)


* 300g Sweet Potato

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tbsp refined coconut oil

* 1 tbsp soy milk

* 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

* a pinch salt

* 45g raisins

(Tart dough)

* 45g buckwheat flour

* 35g rice flour

* 25g potato starch

* 1 tbsp cane sugar

* a pinch salt

* 50g refined coconut oil

* 2 tbsp water

* 1 tbsp maple syrup


  1. Put a baking tray in the oven and preheat to 180°C.

  2. (Filling) Cut sweet potatoes into 5mm slices and steam for about 10 minutes until soften.

  3. Keep about 1/3 of the steamed sweet potatoes, the beautiful part, for decoration, and mash the remaining 2/3 with a masher in a bowl.

  4. Add the remaining filling ingredients in the bowl and mix well.

  5. Add the raisins and mix.

  6. (Tart Dough) In a food processor, add buckwheat flour, rice flour, potato starch, salt, sugar and cold coconut oil.

  7. Process until crumble.

  8. Add 1 tablespoon of water and process. When the mixture is crumble again, add 1 tablespoon of water again and process for about 5 seconds. It starts to stick together.

  9. Take out the dough onto a parchment paper, place the other parchment paper on top of the dough, and roll it out into a circle about 25 cm in diameter.

  10. Place the filling in the center of the dough, leaving a 5 cm gap on the outside, and weave the outer dough over the filling (see video).

  11. Decorate with sweet potatoes and bake in the oven at 180°C for 35 minutes.

  12. Remove the baking tray from the oven and brush all over the tart with maple syrup. (Be careful, the tart will be very soft just after baking)

  13. Remove from heat and cut into pieces.


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