ヴィーガンマヨネーズのレシピはこちら : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjaSg_7Ci8w&t=6s
材料 (4種類×各2セット、6-8人分)
調理時間 : 約80分 / 難易度 : 簡単
* 茹でひよこ豆 240g
* 練り胡麻大2
* オリーブオイル 大2
* ニンニク 小1片
* レモン汁 大1/2
* (煮汁or水 大1 硬さ調節で必要ならば使用する)
* 塩 小1
* クミンパウダー 小1/2
* キュウリ(千切り) 1本
* レタス 2枚
* ケール 1枚
* 人参(千切り) 少々
* スプラウト 1/2パック
* マヨネーズ 大2
* 食パン(6枚切り) 2枚
1. ひよこ豆フムスの材料をフードプロセッサーにかけてペーストにする。
2. パンをスライスし、マヨネーズを各大1/2ずつ塗り、残りの具をのせてサンドする。
3. ペーパーでしっかり包む。(重石をのせて良い)
* レタス 2枚
* アボカド(5mm幅)1個
* ニンジン(千切り) 少々
* ザワークラウト 大4
* キュウリ(パンの縦の長さで薄切り) 1本
* マヨネーズ 大2
* 食パン(6枚切り) 2枚
1. パンをスライスし、マヨネーズを各大1/2ずつ塗り、具をのせてサンドする。
2. ペーパーでしっかり包む。(重石をのせて良い)
* 木綿豆腐 (1cm幅に切る) 150g
* しょうゆ 大1
* 米酢 大1
* オリーブオイル 大1
* ニンニクすりおろし 少々
* レタス 2枚
* スプラウト1/2パック
* ザワークラウト 大2
* マヨネーズ 大2
* 食パン(6枚切り) 2枚
1. しょうゆからニンニクすりおろしまでをよく混ぜ、豆腐を30分以上マリネする。途中何回か裏返す。
2. マリネ液ごとフライパンに入れ、中火でゆっくり両面色づくまで焼く。
3. パンをスライスし、マヨネーズを各大1/2ずつ塗り、残りの具をのせてサンドする。
4. ペーパーでしっかり包む。(重石をのせて良い)
* 乾燥赤レンズ豆 100cc
* 水 1カップ
* 塩 小1/2
* マスタード 小1/2
* 練り胡麻小2
* オリーブオイル 小2
* レタス 2枚
* キュウリ(パンの幅、薄切))1本
* パプリカ(半分に切り、種をとる) 1個
* マヨネーズ 大2
* 食パン(6枚切り) 2枚
1. レンズ豆はさっと洗って鍋に入れ、水を加えて火にかけ、沸騰したら10分柔らかくなるまで茹でる。水気が残っていたら水気を切り、つぶし、塩、マスタード、練り胡麻、オリーブオイルを合わせる。
2. パプリカは、グリルで15-20分焼き (皮が真っ黒になるまで)、取り出してボールに入れ、蓋をして10分程度蒸らす。粗熱がとれたら皮をむき、細長くカットする。
3. パンをスライスし、マヨネーズを各大1/2ずつ塗り、残りの具をのせてサンドする。
4. ペーパーでしっかり包む。(重石をのせて良い)
You can't make a delicious sandwich without ham, cheese, tuna or eggs? If you think like this, it's a big mistake!
Vegetable sandwiches are really amazingly delicious.
If you add some proteins such as beans and tofu to the sandwiches, the nutritional balance will be greatly improved.
You can have a healthier and more nutritious meal with just one sandwich.
If I have hummus in the fridge, I use hummus and vegetables. If not, I use only lots of vegetables. Both are so delicious and I make them very often.
Use what you have in a fridge!
It's super yummy and you might close your eyes while eating;)
With a cup of tea or coffee, you might feel enjoying in a cozy cafe!
This time, I made four kinds of sandwiches, but you can use any vegetables.
The two types of hummus are delicious not only for sandwiches, but also for vegetable dips, crackers, and rice too. Of course it is delicious even if you eat it as it is.
If you add soy milk or water and warm it up, it will become a wonderful soup.
It's so versatile that you always want to stock it.
Please add vegetables into the sandwiches as much as possible.
As the more ingredients you put in, the harder it is to eat, so wrapping it in paper will reduce that stress. Don't use plastic wrap, please. Paper is better for the environment.
With the following recipes, you can make two set for each types sandwiches.
Maybe one set will be enough to fill you up.
It can be wonderful sandwiches like those sold at the stores, it's not only good looking, also good for your body. Please, try it!
Vegan mayonnaise : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjaSg_7Ci8w&t=6s
4 types × each 2 sets, for 6-8 persons
Cook in about 80 min / difficulties : easy
“Chickpea Hummus Sandwich”
(Chickpea Hummus)
* 240g boiled or canned chickpea
* 2 tbsp tahini
* 2 tbsp olive oil
* 1 clove garlic
* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
* (use 1 tbsp of water if needed for make hummus creamy)
* 1 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp cumin powder
* 1 cucumber(shredded)
* 2 leaves lettuce
* 1 leaf kale
* some carrot (shredded)
* some sprout
* 2 tbsp mayonnaise
* 4 pieces of 6-7 mm thick bread
1. Add all the ingredients of hummus in a food processor and blend until creamy.
2. Spread 1/2 tbsp of mayonnaise for each bread and sandwich the ingredients.
3. Wrap tightly. You can put a weight on it.
“Avocado sandwich”
* 2 leaves lettuce
* 1 avocado (sliced into 5mm)
* some carrot (shredded)
* 4 tbsp sauerkraut
* 1 cucumber (sliced)
* 2 tbsp mayonnaise
* 4 pieces of 6-7 mm thick bread
1. Spread 1/2 tbsp of mayonnaise for each bread and sandwich the ingredients.
2. Wrap tightly. You can put a weight on it.
“Marinated Tofu Sandwich”
* 150g firm tofu (sliced into 1cm width)
* 1 tbsp soy sauce
* 1 tbsp rice vinegar
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* some garlic grated
* 1 leaves lettuce
* some sprout
* 2 tbsp sauerkraut
* 2 tbsp mayonnaise
* 4 pieces of 6-7 mm thick bread
1. Mix soy sauce, rice vinegar, olive oil and garlic in a bowl. Add tofu and soak for about 30 minutes. While marinating, flip the tofu several times.
2. Add tofu and liquid into a pan and cook until the liquid has almost gone.
3. Spread 1/2 tbsp of mayonnaise for each bread and sandwich the ingredients.
4. Wrap tightly. You can put a weight on it.
“Lentil Hummus Sandwich”
(Lentil Hummus)
* 100cc dry red lentils
* 1 cup water
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp mustard
* 2 tsp tahini
* 2 tsp olive oil
* 1 leaves lettuce
* 1 paprika (cut into half, removed the seeds)
* 1 cucumber (sliced)
* 2 tbsp mayonnaise
* 4 pieces of 6-7 mm thick bread
1. Wash lentils and put into a pot. Add the water and cook until soft for about 10-20 minutes. If the water remains, drain and mash. Add salt, mustard, tahini and olive oil and mix well.
2. Grill paprikas for about 15-20 minutes until well cooked (The paprika skin burns black, but don't worry). Put into a small bowl and cover for about 10 minues, it becomes easy to peel the skin. Peel the skin and cut.
3. Spread 1/2 tbsp of mayonnaise for each bread and sandwich the ingredients.
4. Wrap tightly. You can put a weight on it.