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#96 / Buckwheat Crêpes & Vegan Chickpea Cheese / そば粉のクレープ & ひよこ豆のヴィーガンチーズ (vegan & gluten free)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie


ヴィーガン そば粉のクレープ ヴィーガンチーズ












今回付け合わせにしたマッシュルームのソテーやリンゴのソース( こちらのレシピのリンゴソースをブレンダーにかけなかったもの)









* そば粉 1/2カップ

* 水 1カップ

* 塩 小1/2

* 植物油 大1

* 植物油(フライパン用) 適量


* 茹でひよこ豆 100g

* 木綿豆腐 50g

* 豆乳 60cc(常温)

* 無香ココナッツオイル(溶かす) 60cc

* 白味噌 大1

* レモン汁 大1/2

* ニュートリシャルイースト(あれば) 大1/2

* 塩 小1/2


* ソテーしたマッシュルーム

* チコリ

* スプラウト

* ザクロ

* リンゴソース


1. (ひよこ豆のヴィーガンチーズ)ブレンダーに材料を入れて滑らかになるまで撹拌する。冷蔵庫で冷やす。

2. (そば粉クレープ)ボールにそば粉、塩、水を入れて泡立て器でよく混ぜ、冷蔵庫で1-2時間ねかせる。

3. 植物油を加えて再度よく混ぜる。

4. フライパンを熱し、油をしき、生地を薄く伸ばして焼く。

5. 2-3分ほどして火が通ったら、取り出す。焦げないように注意。

6. 残りの生地も同様に焼く。

7. (デコレーション)クレープに、ヴィーガンチーズをのせ、お好みの具材をのせる。


As I've got a paella pan which slips well on the induction heater, I tried using the pan and wooden spatula for crêpes.

But you can also do : after pouring the batter into the pan, hold the handle and turn the pan to spread the batter. (You can watch this way in the video here:

Once the batter is properly cooked, you can peel it off from the outside.

For the crêpe batter, you can add baking powder (1 tsp) to make it fluffy or use soy milk substitute of water to make it chewy, but this time I simply used buckwheat flour, salt, oil, and water. Crispy when freshly baked. After a little while, it becomes moist.

You might enjoy more the aroma of buckwheat flour. You can make crepes just with flour, salt and water, but adding oil makes the crêpe stretch a little better and prevents it from sticking.

This vegan chickpea cheese is one of my favorite cheeses.

Am I the only one who feels that this creamy, melt-in-your-mouth texture is just slightly reminiscent of foie gras?

Nutritional yeast is a cheesy-flavored fermented food often used by vegans. Many nutritional yeasts are added Vitamin B12, so there are people who use them daily for taking B12. You can sprinkle it on pasta or pizza.

I'm not a big fan of nutritional yeast, so I don't usually use it, but I do use it to make cheesy dishes, as I did here, or for soups, as it can add richness and cheesy flavor.

The sautéed mushrooms and apple sauce ( that I used as toppings go both very good with this vegan cheese.

This time, I also paired it with pomegranate-flavored apple juice. It was so nice.

Give it a try!



(Buckwheat crêpes)

* 1/2 cup buckwheat flour

* 1/2 tsp salt

* 1 cup water

* 1 tbsp vegetable oil (I use white sesame oil)

* some vegetable oil for cooking

(vegan chickpea cheese)

* 100g cooked chickpea

* 50g firm tofu

* 60cc soy milk (lukewarm)

* 60cc refined coconut oil (melted)

* 1 tbsp white miso paste

* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

* 1/2 tbsp nutritional yeast

* 1/2 tsp salt

(for topping)

* cooked mushrooms

* chicory

* sprouts

* pomegranate

* apple sauce



1. (Vegan chickpea cheese)

2. Blend all the ingredients in a blender. Keep it in a fridge until a little bit harden.

3. (Buckwheat crêpes) In a bowl combine buckwheat flour, salt, and water in a bowl, mix well with a whisk, and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

4. Add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and mix well again.

5. Preheat a large non stick pan over a medium heat and add a touch of vegetable oil.

6. When the pan is hot, ladle in some batter. Spread the batter thinly over the pan.

7. Cook the crêpe for around 2-3 minutes. Be careful to adjust the heat to avoid burning.

8. Remove the crêpe from the pan.

9. Repeat the process until you’ve used up all the batter.

10. (Decoration) Place the crepes on a plate, put some vegan cheese cream, vegetables, pomegranates, and apple sauce or whatever you want.


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