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#82 / Coffee cream parfait (vegan & GF) / コーヒークリームパフェ (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie





















4-6人分 / 調理時間 : 60分(浸水時間を除く) / 難易度 : 簡単



* カシューナッツ 130g (約200cc、一晩たっぷりの水に浸水する)

* インスタントコーヒー 小1 + 湯 70cc (コーヒー70ccでもOK)

* デーツ 40g (約5個)

* ココアパウダー 大3

* 豆乳 90cc


1. コーヒーにデーツをつけて柔らかくする。

2. カシューナッツの水気を切る。

3. 材料をブレンダーに入れ、滑らかになるまで攪拌する。

4. グラスに入れ、冷蔵庫で冷やす。



* オートミール 100g

* メープルシロップ 大2

* 植物油(私はココナツオイル) 大2

* ヘーゼルナッツ 30g

* ココアパウダー 大1/2

* インスタントコーヒー(私は穀物コーヒ粉使用)大1

* シナモンパウダー 小1/2

* ジンジャーパウダー 小1/2

* 塩 小1/4

* ドライいちじく(カットする) 2個


1. オーブンを180℃に予熱する。

2. ボールに材料を入れてよく混ぜる。

3. クッキングシートをしいた天板に薄く広げ、170度で約25分焼く(焦げそうになったら上にホイルなどをかぶせる)。

4. 焼き上がったら、オーブンの中に5分おく。

5. 取り出して粗熱をとり、ドライいちじくを加え、保存容器に入れる。

“グルテンフリー&ヴィーガン カスタード”


* 米粉 大1.5

* 植物油(私は無香料ココナツオイル) 大1.5

* メープルシロップ 1.5

* バニラエキストラクト 小1

* 塩 少々

* 豆乳 250cc


1. 小鍋に米粉、油、メープル、バニラ、塩を入れてダマがないように混ぜ、豆乳を少しずつ加えて伸ばす。

2. 火にかけ、沸いたら弱火にして30秒程度煮る。(底が焦げ付きやすいので注意)

3. 器に入れ、冷蔵庫で冷やす。


When I walk around the nearby park in search of tranquility and nature, I feel that the earth doesn't have any problem because it seems full of beautiful greenery.

But we live with masks right now, the temperature is rising, the earth is flooded with piles of garbage, and the sea is dirty.

No matter how advanced medical care is, we must be aware that diseases and viruses are increasing and the nutritional value of plants is declining, and we must take action.

This is one of the reasons I became vegan.

Because I want to reduce the load on the earth as much as possible.

We should reduce garbage as much as possible, reduce plastics, and eliminate food loss.

With that in mind, I cook always.

I think homemade vegan foods are earth-friendly, animal-friendly, and human-friendly.

This dessert is made with rich and heavy, voluminous coffee cream, gluten-free and exceptionally delicious custard, and granola with spices and coffee.

You might feel satisfaction with this for your afternoon tea time.

It's so heavy that I don't recommend it after dinner, but it may be nice for breakfast.

The base coffee cream is made of plenty of cashew nuts and dates, so it's voluminous but quite nutritious and healthy.

It can be delicious even with melted chocolate or vanilla ice cream or add nothing.

Cashew nuts are nutritious including such as oleic acid, vitamin B1, protein, iron, and folic acid.

And my beloved dates! containing dietary fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and so on, which are also rich in minerals.

I often use it instead of sugar. Also for snacks.

This custard is also gluten-free and very delicious. I want you to put it on the crepe.

I used hazelnuts, but with almonds are also excellent.

If you add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract, it is fragrant and I highly recommend it too.

Or even with cacao nibs and coconut chips.

For the final decoration, I used cacao nibs, freeze dried framboise, and mint leaves.


Serves 4-6 / Cooks in 60 minues plus soaking / Difficulty : easy

“Coffee cream”


* 130g cashew nuts (200cc, soak in water overnight)

* 1 tsp instant coffee + 70cc warm water (or 70cc coffee)

* 40g dates (about 5 small dates)

* 3 tbsp cocoa powder

* 90cc soy milk


1. Soak dates into coffee to soften.

2. Drain cashew nuts.

3. Put all the ingredients in a blender.

4. Blend until smooth.

5. Pour into glasses and keep it in a fridge.

“Spicy coffee granola”


* 100g oatmeal

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

* 2 tbsp vegetable oil ( I use coconut oil)

* 30g hazel nuts

* 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder

* 1 tbsp instant coffee

* 1/2 tsp ginger powder

* 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

* 1/4 tsp salt

* 2 dried figs (cut into small parts)


1. Preheat the oven at 170℃.

2. Put all the ingredients in a medium bowl and combine well.

3. Spread them on a parchment paper.

4. Bake at 170℃ for 25 minutes. (if necessary, put a parchment paper on them)

5. After baking, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes.

6. Cool it down and add the figs before putting in a jar.

“Vegan & Gluten free custard cream”


* 1.5 tbsp rice flour

* 1.5 tbsp maple syrup

* 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil ( I use coconut oil)

* 1 tsp vanilla extract

* a pinch of salt

* 250cc soy milk


1. Put all the ingredients except the soy milk and mix very well without lumps.

2. Pour soy milk little by little and mix well and make it smooth.

3. Heat the pan mixing constantly very well (pay attention because the corners of the pot are easy to burn), and simmer until it boils.

4. Pour the custard into a bowl and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.


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