"材料" (15cm タルト型)
* 薄力粉 60g
* 全粒粉 40g
* コーンスターチ 10g
* 塩 少々
* 白胡麻油(菜種油でも) 大3
* メープルシロップ 大1
* 豆乳 230cc
* 白ごま油 大2
* メープルシロップ 大3
* バニラエキストラクト 小1/4
* 薄力粉 大2
* お好みのフルーツ (キウイ、スモモ、ブドウ、バナナ、、、)
1. (タルト)オーブンを180度に予熱する。
2. ボールに強力粉、全粒粉、コーンスターチ、塩を入れて混ぜる。
3. 胡麻油を加え、ポロポロするように混ぜる。
4. メープルシロップを加え、まとめる。(練らない)
5. 型に生地を入れ、手で7−8mmの厚みになるよう型に合わせて伸ばし、余計な生地を落とす。(落とした生地は焼いてビスケットとして)
6. フォークで穴を開ける
7. 180℃に余熱したオーブンで18−20分焼く。
8. (カスタード)豆乳からバニラまでを合わせておく。
9. 鍋に薄力粉を入れ、少量の液で伸ばしてダマのないようになめらかにする。
10. 少しずつ液を加えてきれいに混ぜる。
11. 火にかけ、よく混ぜながら (特に鍋の角が焦げやすいので注意)、ふつふつ沸くまで煮る。
12. 冷蔵庫で30分程度粗熱を取る。(しっかり冷ますと固くなるのでタルトに流しにくいが、それでもOK)
13. 焼いたタルト生地に流し込み、お好みの果物をのせる。
Fruit tarts make us happy with their gorgeous and beautiful colors.
Therefore, I want you to put various beautiful fruits on it.
Even if you are allergic to dairy products, you can eat delicious custard.
I add a little more oil than normaly so that you might be satisfied with this creamy vegan custard.
If you put the cream on a crispy tart, that must be perfect, isn't it?
A fruit tart is that you can always enjoy changing fruits in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The dough is delicious even as a cookie.
Have a nice tea time.
"Ingredients" (15cm round tart pan)
(Tart crust)
* 60g cake flour
* 40g whole wheat flour
* 10g cornstarch (potato starch or arrowroot starch is also ok)
* a pinch of salt
* 3 tbsp vegetable oil (I use white sesame oil)
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
(Custard cream)
* 230cc soy milk
* 2 tbsp vegetable oil (I use white sesame oil)
* 2 tbsp maple syrup
* 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
* 2 tbsp cake flour
* some fruits you prefer such as kiwi, plum, grape, banana,,,
1. (Tart) Preheat oven to 180C.
2. In a large bowl whisk together cake flour, whole wheat flour, cornstarch and salt.
3. Add sesame oil and mix until all the flour is coated in oil and resembles little crumbles.
4. Add maple syrup and bring all the dough together. Do not knead it.
5. Put the dough into the tart pan and push it with your hand to a thickness of 7 mm to fit the pan.
6. Trim the excess pastry off. (The excess dough can be baked and eaten as a biscuit)
7. Prick the bottom of the dough a few times with a folk.
8. Bake for 18-20 minutes, set aside.
9. (Custard) Mix soy milk, vegetable oil, maple syrup and vanilla extract.
10. Put the cake flour in a pan and mix it with a small amount of the wet mixture to make it smooth without lumps.
11. Add the rest of mixture little by little and mix well.
12. Heat the pan mixing constantly very well (pay attention because the corners of the pot are easy to burn), and simmer until it boils.
13. Pour the custard into a bowl and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. (If the custard is cooled well it is harden and a bit hard to pour into the tart, but it's still OK)
14. Fill the pre-baked tart crust with the custard cream, smoothing it out evenly.
15. Top with desired fruits.