強力粉 125g
アーモンドプードル 35g
塩 小1/4
シナモン 小1/4
豆乳 70cc
ドライイースト 3g
白餡 60g
水(ラム酒やブランデーでも) 50g
アーモンドプードル 35g
粉砂糖 35g
水 大1/2
ココナツオイル 少々
粉砂糖 少々
1. ドライフルーツと水を合わせて一晩おく。
2. ぬるめの豆乳とドライイーストをボールに合わせて5分置く。
3. 強力粉、アーモンドプードル、シナモン、塩、ココナツオイル 、白餡を加えて5分程度こねる。(なめらかにならなくても大丈夫)
4. 水気をしっかり切った1のドライフルーツ(水分は最後に使う)とナッツを加え、べたべたするようなら軽く粉を加えながら(私は大1/2程度を2回ほど加えました)、まんべんなく行き渡るように混ぜる。
5. 生地を丸め、ボールに蓋をして暖かい場所で40分程度発酵させる。(1.5倍くらいの大きさ)
6. マジパンのアーモンドプードル、粉砂糖、水をよく混ぜ合わせ、冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。
7. マジパンがしっかり冷えたら取り出して二等分し、15cm長さの棒状に伸ばす。
8. 台に手粉をふり、シュトーレン生地を半分に分けてそれぞれ丸め、綿棒で10cm×15cm程度に伸ばす。
9. 間にマジパンを入れて両側を織りたたむ。
10. 乾かないように布をかぶせ、暖かい場所で40分程度発酵させる。(1.5倍くらいの大きさ)
11. 180度に余熱したオーブンで約20分焼く。
12. 取り出して、レーズンを浸した液とココナツオイルを塗り、しっかり冷やす。
13. 粉砂糖をかける。
I’ve always loved Stollen!
But I haven't had many chances to eat Stollen since I became vegan.
So I tried to make it this time. And yes! The homemade stollen is so delicious.
As it doesn’t include butter or eggs, it's very light and gentle.
Using sweet white bean paste, it’s moist and rich.
It’s really satisfying as I’m using enough dried fruits and nuts, and also homemade marzipan.
You won't get tired of eating it with thick slices.
Moreover stollen is expensive to buy, whether vegan or non-vegan, but handmade one is much cheaper. How nice, isn’t it?
Let’s make a vegan stollen, and have a nice Christmas season.
Vegan stollen (2 small size stollen)
(Stollen dough)
* 125g strong flour
* 35g almond powder
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 1/4 tsp cinnamon
* 70cc soy milk (lukewarm)
* 3g dry instant yeast
* 2 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
* 60g sweet white bean paste
(Fruits and nuts)
* 50g dried fruits (raisin, fig…)
* 50g water (or rum or brandy)
* 30g nuts (walnuts, almonds…, chopped)
* 35g almond powder
* 35g powdered sugar
* 1/2 tbsp water
(To finish)
* Some coconut oil
* Some powdered sugar
1. Mix dried fruits and water well and leave it to soak overnight.
2. Mix yeast and soy milk in a large bowl and leave it for about 5 minutes.
3. Add the all ingredients of stollen dough into the bowl and knead well for about 5 minutes.
4. Add the fruits drained well (We will use the liquid after baked) and nuts into the dough and knead until everything is well incorporated in the dough. If it’s sticky, use flour occasionally (I used 1/2 tbsp of flour two times).
5. Cover the ball and place it in a warm place. Set aside for about 40 minutes to rise until it becomes 1.5 times bigger.
6. (Marzipan) Mix well almond flour, powdered sugar and water in the other bowl. Let it cool in a fridge. Before using, divide it into two equal pieces and roll it about 15cm length.
7. Place the stollen dough on a lightly floured surface and divide it into two equal pieces.
8. Roll each dough out in an oval shape of about 10*15 cm.
9. Put the roll of marzipan on the dough and fold the dough over the marzipan. Press gently to seal.
10. Place them well spaced apart on a parchment paper and leave them to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes until it becomes 1.5 times bigger.
11. Bake them for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 C.
12. Remove the stollen from the oven.
13. Brush them generously with the left liquid (used for soaking dried fruits) and melted coconut oil. Let them cool completely.
14. Sprinkle them with some powdered sugar.