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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#67 / “Homemade five beautiful pickles” / “自家製 五種の美しいピクルス”

















 * キュウリ(1cm輪切り) 1本

 * 塩 小1/2

 * 米酢 50cc

 * メープルシロップ 大2

 * ローリエ 1枚

 * フェンネル お好みで


 * ニンジン(ピーラーでスライス) 小1本

 * 塩 小1/2

 * リンゴ酢 50cc

 * メープルシロップ 大2

 * レモンスライス 2枚


 * 紫玉ねぎ(薄切り)小1個分

 * 塩 小1/2

 * リンゴ酢 50cc

 * メープルシロップ 大1

 * 粒コショウ 小1


 * セロリ(瓶の高さ*7mm直径程度)小1/2本分(150g)

 * 塩 小1/2

 * 米酢 50cc

 * メープルシロップ 大1

 * コリアンダーシード 小1/3

 * 赤とうがらし 1/4本


 * カリフラワー(小さめの小房に分ける)150g

 * 塩 小1/2

 * 米酢 50cc

 * メープルシロップ 大1/2

 * ローズマリー 10cm程度

 * ニンニク 1片


1. キュウリはカットしてからを塩を振り、約30分おき、水気を切る。

2. 煮沸消毒した器にピクルス液を作り、キュウリを漬ける。

3. その他の野菜はカットし、それぞれピクルス液を作った中に漬ける。

4. カリフラワーとセロリは、浸かるまで水を足すと良い。

5. 冷蔵庫で次の日からのほうが美味しいが、2-3時間でも浅漬けで美味しい。


I often make pickles when some vegetables are left in the fridge.

It's so nice to have vegetables easily.

They are really convenient. You can serve it immediately, you can chop them and add into mayonnaise to make the tartar sauce, you should definitely add it to sandwiches, or potato salad, or you can mix it with vinegared rice, the texture is so fun.

I sliced carrot, but of course the texture changes completely with sticks or bite-sized pieces, so even a single carrot can be enjoyed very much.

Making sticks with celery, carrot, cucumber and put in one jar is so beautiful.

This time, I added some herbs and spices and tried a slightly different flavor, but of course you can remove them.

However, I love the beautiful scent so I always add bay leaf or pepper or chili peppers.

You can choose any vinegar or sweetness as you want.

Basically, it's only vinegar, sugar, and salt, so add water to vegetables that don't have much water in themselves.

Please try making with charming vegetables.

I don't use much vinegar, so please keep them in a fridge and eat it within one week.

The liquid is made up of vinegar, sugar, salt, water and vegetable water, so you can add some water and drink the remaining liquid. It's refreshing and delicious. Nice to prevent heat fatigue.




 * 1 medium cucumber (slice to 1cm width)

 * 1/2 tsp salt

 * 50cc rice vinegar

 * 2 tbsp maple syrup

 * 1 bay leaf

 * some fennel leaves


 * 1 carrot (slice with peeler)

 * 1/2 tsp slt

 * 50cc apple cider vinegar

 * 2 tbsp maple syrup

 * 2 slices lemon


 * 1 small onion (slice)

 * 1/2 tsp salt

 * 50cc apple cider vinegar

 * 1 tbsp maple syrup

 * 1 tsp pepper


 * 1/2 celery (cut into stick)

 * 1/2 tsp salt

 * 50cc rice vinegar

 * 1 tbsp maple syrup

 * 1/3 tsp coriander seed

 * 1/4 chili pepper


 * 150g cauliflower (divide small bite size)

 * 1/2 tsp salt

 * 50cc rice vinegar

 * 1/2 tbsp maple syrup

 * 10cm rosemary

 * 1 clove garlic


1. Cut the cucumber, sprinkle with salt, leave it for about 30 minutes, and drain it.

2. Make liquid in a glass jar that has been boiled and disinfected, and soak the cucumbers.

3. Cut the other vegetables and soak them in each liquid.

4. For cauliflower and celery, add water until soaked.

5. It's better to eat the pickles after keeping them in the refrigerator at least one day, but even for 2-3 hours it's lightly pickled and delicious.


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