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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#64 / YouTube Recipe “Vegan apple cake” / “ヴィーガンアップルケーキ”












* リンゴ(1cm角)大1個

* レモン汁 大1/2

* メープルシロップ 大2


* 全粒粉 1カップ(120g)

* 重曹 小1/2

* シナモンパウダー 小1/2

* 塩少々


* メープルシロップ 大3

* 植物油 大3

* 豆乳 大3

* レモン汁 大1/2

* バニラエキストラクト 小1


1. クッキングペーパーで、18cm四方の型を作る。

2. リンゴ、レモン汁、メープルをフライパンに入れ、リンゴが色づき、水分がほとんどなくなるまで加熱する。

3. Dryの材料をボールに入れ、ホイッパーで混ぜる。

4. Wetの材料を別の器に混ぜ、3に加え、さっと合わせる。

5. 2のリンゴを加え、型に流し入れる。

6. 170度に予熱したオーブンで40分焼く。


Why don't you go to a park to relax with this apple cake?

Especially in these days we need the sun and wind and green, to take a deep breath, to relax, to refresh.

How happy to feel under the sun plenty of apples and an irresistible scent and gentle sweetness of cinnamon!

It looks and tastes so simple and rough that it's more like an apple pancake than a cake.

So nice to eat this for breakfast too.

If you have your favorite cream, it's more delicious with it.

Make cold lemon tea and enjoy!


"Ingredients" (18cm*18cm)

* 1 apple chopped in 1cm dice

* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

* 2 tbsp maple syrup


* 120g whole wheat flour

* 1/2 tsp baking soda

* 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

* a pinch of salt


* 3 tbsp maple syrup

* 3 tbsp vegetable oil

* 3 tbsp soy milk

* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

* 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Make an 18 cm square mold with parchment paper.

2. Put apples, lemon juice and maple syrup in a medium pan and cook until the liquid has gone and the apples are slightly brown. Set aside.

3. Put Dry ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well with a whipper.

4. Mix Wet ingredients in another bowl, add to the Dry mixture and combine quickly (no knead) .

5. Add the cooked apples and pour into a mold.

6. Bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 40 minutes.


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