* デーツ (種を取る)100g
* 塩 ひとつまみ
* デーツの戻し汁 大1
* ココナツオイル(溶かす)大2
* ココアパウダー 大4
* アーモンドプードル 大1
* ココアパウダー 適量
* デーツ (種を取る)100g
* 塩 ひとつまみ
* デーツの戻し汁 大1
* ココナツオイル(溶かす)大2
* ココアパウダー 大4
* アーモンドプードル 大1
* チョコレートタブレット 12枚(12g)
1. デーツは1時間以上浸水して柔らかくする。
2. 水気を切り、水分も取っておく。
3. ボールにデーツを入れ、フォークで滑らかに潰す。塩、デーツの戻し汁、ココナツオイル を加えて混ぜる。
4. ココアパウダーとアーモンドプードル を加えて混ぜる。
5. (ベイクドチョコケーキ)生地をマフィンカップに入れ、チョコレートを真ん中に押し込み、表面を滑らかにする。
6. 180℃に余熱したオーブンで15分焼く。
7. (ローチョコボール)生地を2cm直径程度に丸め、冷蔵庫で冷やし、ココアパウダーをまぶす。
Chocolate tablets are optional. If you want these sweets to be completely sugar-free, make without chocolate tablets!
It might be unbelievable that these sweets don't include sugar. This awesomeness comes from dried Dates, super food.
Dates includes many nutritions, such as dietary fiber, iron and minerals.
It is good for hair and skin, anti-aging, stomach, and more.
The sugar content is high, but the blood sugar level rises relatively slowly. It is a great ingredient to use instead of sugar.
The ingredients and method of both sweets are exactly the same. The difference is just if it's baked or not.
Raw chocolate balls are very easy to make, soft and absolutely delicious.
When baked, it changes to a slightly heavy, hard and rich taste.
If you put chocolate inside (*chocolate contains sugar) and eat it hot, it will melt like fondant chocolate. It is nice even if it’s chilled.
My go-to sweets!
”Raw chocolate ball”
* 100g dates (soak for at least 1 hour to soften)
* a pinch salt
* 1 tbsp water that soaked dates (or just water)
* 2 tbsp coconut oil
* 4 tbsp cocoa powder
* 1 tbsp almond powder
* some cocoa powder
”Baked chocolate cake”
* 100g dates (soak in water for more than 1 hour)
* a pinch salt
* 1 tbsp water that soaked dates (or just water)
* 2 tbsp coconut oil
* 4 tbsp cocoa powder
* 1 tbsp almond powder
* 12 chocolate tablet (12g)
1. Soak dates for at least 1 hour to soften them.
2. Drain the water and keep the water.
3. In a medium ball mash dates until smooth with a fork.
4. Add salt, dates water and coconut oil and mix.
5. Add cocoa powder and almond powder and mix until well combined.
6. “Baked chocolate cake” Put the dough in a small muffin cup and push the chocolate tablets in the middle. Cover with the dough and let the surface smooth.
7. Bake in an oven preheated to 180C for 15 minutes.
8. “Raw chocolate ball” Roll the dough to a diameter of about 2 cm, refrigerate for 30 minutes to harden, and sprinkle with cocoa powder.