* リンゴ (5mm角) 1個
* ミックスベリー 1.5カップ
* サツマイモ 小1本 (5mm角)
* 葛粉 大1
* レモン汁 大1
* メープルシロップ 大1
* シナモン 小1/4
* オートミール 200cc
* アーモンド 100cc
* クルミ 100cc
* 塩 小1/4
* メープルシロップ 大2
* ココナッツオイル 大2
* ココナッツクリーム お好みで
1. フルーツフィリングをグラタン皿に入れてよく混ぜる。
2. クランブルをボールに入れて混ぜ、フルーツの上にのせる。
3. 180度のオーブンで40-50分焼く。
4. お皿にのせ、ココナッツクリームを添える。
How about a healthy fruits & sweet potato crumble? You might not stop eating it.
The classical crumble is made from plenty of sugar, butter and flour. It is a rule to put ice cream, or fresh cream or custard cream on it?
Let's change it to the healthier version! and happier without feeling guilty.
I recommend this not only for tea time but also for breakfast. This is very nutritious.
My crumble doesn't use flour nor butter, so it's much quicker to make. As long as you have the ingredients, you can make it immediately whenever you want.
The crunchy texture also brings you a feeling of fullness.
Fruits, sweet potato, oatmeal, and nuts, body-friendly crumbles.
But you can also make it removing the sweet potatoes or make them with only two apples.
Mix it and put it in the oven. While baking, you can wash the cooking utensils, though it is not a big amount.
Make coffee, play your favorite music, prepare spoons and plates, and then wonderful time will come soon.
Put coconut cream on it while the fruits crumble is hot, and have a happy and peaceful time!
* 1 Apple (dice into 5mm cube)
* 1.5 cup berries
* 1 small sweet potato (dice into 5mm cube)
* 1 tbsp arrowroot starch
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
* 1 tbsp lemon juice
* 1/4 tsp cinnamon
* 200cc oatmeal
* 50cc almonds
* 50cc walnuts
* 2 tbsp coconut oil
* 2 tbsp maple syrup
* 1/4 tsp salt
* some coconut cream
1. In a baking tray, combine all the ingredients of filling. Toss until all the fruit is coated.
2. In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients of crumble and mix well. Top the fruit with the crumble and place in the oven.
3. Bake at 180C for 40-50 minutes or until the crumble is golden brown.
4. Serve with some coconut cream while fruits crumble is hot.