薄力粉 50g (私は全粒粉)
コーンスターチ 20g
塩 ひとつまみ
白胡麻油 大1.5~2 (菜種油、ココナツオイルでも)
メープルシロップ 大1
レモン皮すりおろし 1個分
レモン絞り汁 大3 (45cc)
水 大2 (30cc)
砂糖 大2 (きび砂糖、甜菜糖、ココナツシュガーでも)
コーンスターチ 大1
ココナツオイル 大1 (15cc)
豆乳 大4 (60cc)
1. (タルト)オーブンを180度に予熱する。
2. ボールに薄力粉、コーンスターチ、塩を混ぜ、油をメープルを加えてさっくり混ぜる。(このとき、ポロポロして固まりにくかったら油を多めに使うといい。全粒粉なら油大2入れる方が作りやすい。)
3. 6等分して型にしきこみ、フォークで底にいくつか穴をあけ、180度のオーブンで15分焼く。
4. (レモンカード)鍋にコーンスターチまでの材料を入れてよく混ぜ、火にかける。
5. よく混ぜながら、しっかりとろみがつくまで加熱する。
6. 火からおろし、オイルを加え、完全になじむまでよく混ぜる。
7. 豆乳を加え、完全になじむまでよく混ぜる。
8. 保存容器に入れ、冷蔵庫で保存する。
9. タルト型にレモンカードを入れる。(ミントやタイムを添えてもよい)
Refreshing lemon curd is best with breads, cakes, crackers, pancakes and everything. This is a very simple and quick recipe. Normally lemon curd includes eggs and butter. But this recipe doesn’t include them at all. It's healthy and rich! Also this vegan tart shell is delicious and crispy. The ingredients are so few that you can make it quickly and easily. You can also make it into a biscuit instead! Both are much healthier than those you buy at a store.
Do you feel guilty when you eat sweets? I recommend that you limit the amount you make, to help restrict the amount of sweets you eat. For this reason, the recipes I create do not make too much or are not too big. This will make you feel comfortable and guilt free and also help you follow a healthier lifestyle. Let’s cook them and enjoy a wonderful tea time.
Vegan Lemon Curd Tart (6 tart cups)
* 50g flour (I used whole wheat flour)
* 20g cornstarch
* a pinch of salt
* 1.5-2 tbsp vegetable oil (I used white sesame oil)
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
(Lemon Curd)
* 1 lemon zest
* 3 tbsp (45cc) lemon juice
* 2 tbsp (30cc) water
* 1 tbsp cornstarch
* 2 tbsp sugar (I recommend brown sugar, cane sugar, beetroot sugar, coconut sugar)
* 1 tbsp (15cc) coconut oil (refined)
* 4 tbsp (60cc) soy milk ( or any vegetable milk)
1. Preheat the oven at 180 C.
2. Put the flour, cornstarch and salt in a bowl. Whisk.
3. Add the oil and maple syrup in the bowl.
4. Mix them until all combined. Don’t knead.
(If it’s a bit difficult to combine, add 2 tbsp of oil. As I use whole wheat flour, I add 2 tbsp of oil. It depends on which flour you use. Check your dough and if it’s too dry to combine, add little by little oil. Don’t add too much oil and let it too wet.)
5. Bake at 180 C for 15 minutes.
(Lemon Curd)
1. Put the lemon zest, lemon juice, water, cornstarch, and sugar in a small pan.
2. Heat the pan whisking constantly.
3. When it boiled and get sticky, turn off the heat. (For about 1-2 minutes)
4. Add coconut oil in the pan and mix well until well combined.
5. Add soy milk and mix well until creamy.
6. Let cool in a fridge until thickens.
7. When ready to use the lemon curd, whisk well 'till creamy.
8. Put the lemon curd in the tart shells.
Optional: Add lemon thyme or mint for decoration.