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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

YouTube recipe "Vegan tuna sandwich" / "ヴィーガン ツナサンド"









茹でひよこ豆 150g

タマネギ(みじん切り) 大2

セロリ(みじん切り) 大1

ピクルス(みじん切り) 大1

マヨネーズ(ヴィーガン) 大2

レモン汁 小1

マスタード 小1

しょうゆ 小1

塩 小1/2

コショウ 少々


  1. ひよこ豆の水気を切り、マッシュする。

  2. 残りの材料を全て加えて合わせる。





This chickpea paste is so similiar to tuna paste. It is super easy and uses simple ingredients but it is rich, moist and delicious.

For sandwiches, use any vegetables you like!

You can also enjoy this vegan tuna paste with salad, pasta or even on a pancake.

I recommend to eating with rice too!


”Chickpea tuna paste”


150g chickpea (cooked or canned)

2 tbsp of onion (chopped)

1 tbsp of celery (chopped)

1 tbsp of pickles (chopped)

2 tbsp of vegan mayonnaise

1 tsp of lemon juice

1 tsp of mustard

1 tsp of soy sauce

1/2 tsp of salt

A pinch of pepper


1. Drain chickpeas and mash them.

2. Add all the rest of the ingredients and mix well.


The salt content is very different depending on the salt.

I use salt that is not so salty, so please adjust it according to your salt.



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