*ココナツオイル(液状) 100g
*木綿豆腐 80g
*植物油 大1.5
*りんご酢または米酢 小1/2
*塩 小1/2
*豆乳(常温) 大2
1. 保存する器を煮沸して冷ましておく。
2. ココナツオイルから塩までをブレンダーにかけ、滑らかにする。
3. 豆乳を足しながらよく攪拌する。
4. 器に入れて冷蔵庫で冷やし固める。
“ヴィーガン ヘーゼルナッツスプレッド”
*ヘーゼルナッツ(ロースト) 135g
*メープルシロップ 75cc
*ココナツオイル 45cc
*ココアパウダー 大3
*バニラエキストラクト 小1/2
*塩 少々
*豆乳 60cc
1. 保存する器を煮沸して冷ましておく。
2. ヘーゼルナッツをフードプロセッサーで撹拌し、ペースト状にする。
3. メープルから順に足しながら、滑らかになるまで撹拌する。
“ヴィーガン & グルテンフリー ワッフル”
材料 (6個分)
*アクアファーバ または 豆乳 150cc
*植物油 大1
*メープルシロップ 大1
*リンゴ酢 小1
*バニラエキストラクト 小1
*米粉 80g+葛粉 30g
*ベーキングパウダー 小1
*塩 ひとつまみ
1. WETの材料をボールに入れてよく混ぜる。
2. DRYの材料を加えて混ぜる。
3. ワッフル機で焼く。(焼き具合はお持ちのワッフル機次第なので焦げないように注意しながら焼く。私のワッフル機のタイプでは、片面2分ずつ焼き、再度1−2分ずつ様子を見ながら焼く。)
What I missed when I became vegan was butter. I didn't have any regrets about meat and cheese, but I missed butter.
And finally I made it! Even my nephew, who has a dairy allergy, was able to eat bread with this butter. And we love this butter a lot. I always make it again as soon as it runs out of the fridge.
It is a very delicious butter that goes well with not only bread but also pancakes, scones and crackers.
However, if you would like to use this butter for cooking and pan-frying, it needs to be treated differently than regular butter.
Because it contains tofu, it can burn quickly. For recipes that call for butter, instead use a small amount of olive oil or vegetable oil, and then add this butter as a seasoning at the end.
I recommend you to keep it in a fridge for 1-2 week.
For longer, keep it in a freezer.
Nutella is a name of an Italian hazelnut and cocoa powder spread.
There are many spreads like this type on the market, with or without dairy products, but regardless they are often too sweet and sometimes include additives.
A handmade spread is easy and you can adjust the sweetness.
Though this time, I made it very sweet for those who are used to these store-bought spreads.
You can try making it with less sweetness if you like.
It will keep for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
This waffle is a gluten-free version using rice flour.
In this video, we use a bean broth called Aqua Faba.
It is often used in vegan cooking as a substitute for egg white as it contains protein and foams. For aqua faba, the chickpea broth is most famous, but I used soybean broth this time. You can do the same with green pea broth.
You can boil beans and make aqua faba by yourself, but you can also use the juice from a can of chickpeas on the market.
You can replace it with soy milk, but the waffle made with aqua faba is lighter and more airy.
It's crispy and very delicious.
For non-gluten-free, you can replace rice flour and arrowroot powder with 110g of all purpose flour or whole grain flour.
It becomes little more dense.
“Vegan Butter “
Ingredients (for about 200cc)
* 100g coconut oil (refined and melted)
* 80g firm tofu
* 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil
* 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 4 tbsp of soy milk (room temperature)
1. Boil your jar and let it cool down.
2. Add coconut oil, firm tofu, vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and salt into a blender.
3. Process until creamy.
4. Add soy milk and process until creamy.
5. Store in the jar in a fridge.
“Vegan Nuttela (Hazelnut Spread)”
Ingredients (for about 300cc)
* 135g hazelnut (roasted)
* 5 tbsp maple syrup
* 3 tbsp cocoa powder
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
* A pinch of salt
* 3 tbsp coconut oil
* 4 tbsp soy milk
1. Boil your jar and let it cool down.
2. Add the hazelnuts in a food processor and process into a hazelnut butter.
3. Add the other ingredients gradually and process until smooth.
4. Store in the jar in a fridge.
“Vegan & gluten-free waffle (4 waffles)”
* 150cc aquafaba or soy milk
* 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
* 1 tbsp vegetable oil (we used white sesame oil)
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 80g rice flour + 30g starch (we used arrowroot starch) or 110g whole wheat flour
* 1 tsp baking powder
* a pinch of salt
1. In a large bowl whisk together WET ingredients.
2. Add DRY ingredients into the bowl and mix.
3. Heat your waffle maker and put oil if needed.
4. Pour the mixture into the waffle maker and bake until both sides are golden crispy. (Every waffle maker has its own directions. Please follow the instructions of your waffle maker.)