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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#131 / My Best Chocolate Tart (No bake & Vegan & Gluten Free) / 絶品!焼かないチョコレートタルト (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)











材料 (15cmタルト型、底の外れるもの)


* ローストしたナッツ (私はミックスナッツ使用) 100g

* ココナッツオイル 大1

* メープルシロップ 大1

* カカオパウダー 大1

* 塩 小1/8


* 絹豆腐(水切りする) 150g

* メープルシロップ 大2

* ナッツバター 大2 (私はミックスナッツを自分でバターにしています)

* バニラエキストラクト 小1/2

* 塩 小1/8

* ダークチョコレート(私は75%使用) 100g


1. タルト生地の材料をブレンダーにかけて撹拌し、粒が細かくなったら取り出して型に敷き詰め、冷凍庫で冷やし固める(約15分)。

2. チョコレートを湯煎で溶かす。

3. フィリングのチョコレート以外の材料をブレンダーにかけて滑らかにし、溶かしたチョコレートを加えて撹拌する。

4. 1の型に流し入れ、冷凍庫で約1時間冷やし固める。(冷蔵庫で固めてもOK)

5. ココアパウダー、金粉、ベリー類など、お好みで飾る。


It is really a very simple but delicious chocolate tart that can be made in a single food processor.

Moreover, the tart dough is not baked.

No butter or cream is used, but the cream is rich and melts in your mouth.

The tart dough is also moist.

Since the cream is melt-in-your-mouth, please let it cool well and harden before cutting.

Or, if you make it in individual molds, it will be fine even if it doesn't harden.

You can use almond butter or peanut butter for the base nuts or cream nut butter if you like. I make my own nut butter with roasted mixed nuts. Just process them in a food processor. If you would like to see the process of becoming butter, click here. (In the video, I make nut butter and use it to make cream. Once it becomes a paste, you don't need to add anything else.

Finally, serve with cocoa powder, powdered sugar, gold dust, berries, bananas, apple compote, pear compote, fig compote, fresh oranges, and many other garnishes as you wish.


Ingredients (15cm tart mold with removable bottom)

”Base tart”

* 100g roasted nuts (I used mix nuts such as almond, cashew, walnuts)

* 1 tbsp melted coconut oil (refined)

* 1 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tbsp cacao powder

* 1/8 tsp of salt


* 150g silken tofu (drained)

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tbsp nut butter (I made my homemade nut butter with mix nuts)

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

* 1/8 tsp salt

* 100g dark chocolate (melt, I use 75% cacao one)


1. blend the tart dough ingredients in a blender to make it slightly smooth (it is OK if there are some small chunks of nuts), place in a mold, and put in the freezer for about 15 minutes to firm up well.

2. Melt the chocolate with double boiler.

3. Blend the filling ingredients except chocolate in a blender to a smooth consistency. Add melted chocolate and blend again. Pour on the tart dough, and place in the freezer for about 60 minutes to firm up well. (You can also put into a fridge, but it takes more time to firm up)

4. Decorate as you wish.

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