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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#166 / Vegan Taiwanese Pineapple Cake / ヴィーガン 台湾パイナップルケーキ


pineapple cake









材料 (8個分)


* パイナップル300g

* 砂糖30g


* 砂糖 30g

* 水 大1.5

* 薄力粉 100g

* ココナッツオイル 36g

* 塩 ひとつまみ

  1. (パイナップルフィリング)パイナップルと砂糖をミキサーにかけてピューレにし、鍋に入れて火にかける。

  2. 水分が飛ぶまで約35分煮詰める、最後の7,8分は焦げ付かないよう混ぜながら煮る。

  3. 冷蔵庫で冷やし、小1.5(約13g)ずつ丸める。

  4. (生地)はじめに砂糖と水を鍋で沸かして少し煮てしっかり冷まし、シロップを作る(約42gになる)。

  5. 粉、塩、オイル、シロップをボールに混ぜ。8等分する(一個約22g)。

  6. (成形)パイナップルフィリングを包み、好みの形に整える。

  7. 170度に予熱したオーブンで18-20分焼く。


Pineapple cake is a cute and classic baked sweet that is a typical Taiwanese souvenir.

I have always felt that the combo of jam filling and the delicious cookie dough is somewhat similar to the Chinese moon cake or the Japanese confectionery "Momoyama", so I decided to make it this time.

The beautifully square shape is characteristic, but of course, you can also roll it up and make it a little flat without any mold.

I didn't have a square die at home, so I made it out of cardboard.

The paper is a little weak, so it is difficult to press it tightly into a beautiful shape, but it is so fun anyway.

If you have a mooncake die-cut, you can use it.

For more information on how to use them, please watch my video of "Momoyama".


Ingredients (for 8 portions)

Pineapple filling

* 300g pineapple

* 30g brown sugar


* 100g cake flour

* 36g coconut oil 3 tbsp

* 30g brown sugar 3 tbsp

* 1.5 tbsp water

* A pinch salt


  1. (Pineapple filling) Puree the pineapple and sugar in a blender, place in a saucepan and heat.

  2. Simmer for about 35 minutes until the water is almost gone, stirring constantly to prevent burning during the last 7 or 8 minutes.

  3. Refrigerate and roll out about 1.5 tsp (about 13g).

  4. (Pastry) First boil the sugar and water in a saucepan, let it simmer a little and cool it down to make a syrup (about 42g).

  5. Mix the flour, salt, oil and syrup in a bowl and divide it into 8 equal portions (about 22g each).

  6. (Forming) Wrap the pineapple filling in the dough and form into desired shape.

  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 18-20 minutes.


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