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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#187 / Chocolate & Coffee Mousse with apple sauce (Vegan & Gluten Free) / チョコレートとコーヒーのムース リンゴ添え(ヴィーガン& グルテンフリー)


vegan chocolate & coffee mousse
ヴィーガン チョコレート&コーヒー ムース










(私の甥っ子は、材料に乳が入っていないチョコレートでも、製造ラインで使われているものは危険なレベル のアレルギーもちなので、アレルゲンフリーのチョコレートを使わなければなりません。














* 絹豆腐 100g

* 白餡140g

* 溶かしたココナッツオイル100cc(80g)

* 豆乳 大3

* インスタントコーヒー(私は穀物コーヒー、INKAを使っています) 大2

* ココアパウダー 大2

* 塩 ひとつまみ


* リンゴ 1/2個

* レモン汁 小1 /2

* インスタントコーヒー 小1/4


  1. ムースの材料をブレンダーにかける。固まってきたら湯煎で温め、なめらかになるまで撹拌する。冷蔵庫でしっかり冷やす。

  2. リンゴは皮をむき、1cm程度の賽の目にカットする。鍋にリンゴソースの材料を入れて火にかけ、蓋をして時々混ぜながら8-10分、リンゴがしんなり、または崩れるまで煮詰める。

  3. ムースにリンゴを添える。


I can't help but tell you how delicious it is.

Vegan & Gluten free Mousse is a great after-dinner dessert.

Baked sweets are a bit heavy for dessert, aren’t they?


Anyway, the best thing about my mousses is that they are extremely easy, delicious, and quickly made.

You blend the ingredients and put in a fridge before dinner, and you can enjoy it after dinner.


This chocolate mousse is also good for those who have strong milk allergies and are afraid to even eat vegan chocolate.

Vegan chocolate can be dangerous even if the ingredients do not contain milk. The level of milk contamination for production lines seems to vary from company to company. So if you have a strong milk allergy, you must buy allergen-free chocolate.


With grain coffee, it has a rich, adult flavor.

And I added apples on top for a little accent.

Sautéed apples without sugar go very well with chocolate mousse.

Depending on the type of apple, it can crumble or retain its texture, either way it's fun.

If you have apples that are getting a little fudgy, give it a try.

I sometimes make this as jam.


Since it is made with sweet white bean paste, it is a mousse that can be made very quickly.

If you can't get sweet white bean paste, try replacing it with 100g cooked white kidney beans and 60g maple syrup.

Although it is a dessert, this is also a good source of protein.


When cold weather like here now, coconut oil tends to solidify quickly.

In the video, I used melted coconut oil, but it hardened while in the blender, so I warm over hot water.

Try adjusting it so that it blends smoothly.


Ingredients (for 4-5 people)

"Chocolate coffee mousse"

* 100g silken tofu

* 140g sweet white beans (or 100g cooked white beans and 60g maple syrup)

* 80g refined coconut oil

* a pinch salt

* 3 tbsp soy milk

* 2 tbsp instant coffee powder (I use Grain Coffee)

* 2 tbsp cacao powder

"Apple sauce"

* 1/2 apple (cut into small pieces)

* 1/2 tsp lemon juice

* 1/4 tsp instant coffee powder


  1. Blend all the mousse ingredients in a blender. If it hardens, warm over hot water and blend until smooth. Refrigerate until set.

  2. Peel apples and cut into 1 cm dice. In a saucepan, heat the apple sauce ingredients, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, until the apples are softened or broken down.

  3. Serve the mousse with the apples.

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