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#68 / “ Carrot donuts & coffee banana donuts (vegan)” / “人参ドーナツ & 珈琲バナナドーナツ(ヴィーガン)”

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie



















* 全粒粉 100g

* きび砂糖 大2

* 塩 少々

* ベーキングパウダー 小1


* ニンジン 50g(すりおろし)

* 豆乳 60cc

* レーズン(湯で洗う) 15g



* 薄力粉 100g

* インスタントコーヒー 小1(私は穀物コーヒー)

* きび砂糖 大2

* 塩 少々

* ベーキングパウダー 小1


* バナナ 1本

* 豆乳 50cc


1. (キャロットドーナツ)ボールにニンジンをすりおろし、豆乳とレーズンを加える。

2. ドライの材料を加え、粉気がなくなるまでさっと混ぜる。

3. 小さじ1ずつ丸くして、170度の油で両面色づくまで揚げる。

4. (コーヒーバナナドーナツ)ボールにバナナを入れてつぶし、豆乳を加える。

5. ドライの材料を加え、粉気がなくなるまでさっと混ぜる。

6. 小さじ1ずつ丸くして、170度の油で両面色づくまで揚げる。


Two tastes of fluffy donuts!

The carrot scent is gentle and goes well with raisins.

The fluffiness of bananas is also very nice.

What's more, it's easy to do with one bowl. The ingredients and instructions are super simple. You can make it quickly, much more faster than using the oven.

I put the oil in a small pan so that I don't need much oil. But you can also use a frying pan with enough amount of oil.

The point is not to fry with high heat. Slightly slowly until the donuts cooked well.

If you want to make it crispy, raise the temperature at the end and make it golden brown.

You can add chopped walnuts or almonds or also a little spice such as cinnamon or cardamon.

You can reduce the sugar if you like.

But if you want a cute finish, sprinkle some powdered sugar on it.

Cinnamon sugar is also delicious with it.


Vegan donuts (13-15 small donuts 3cm diameter)


(Carrot donuts)


* 100g whole wheat flour

* 2 tbsp cane sugar

* A pinch of salt

* 1 tsp baking powder


* 50g carrot

* 60cc soy milk

* 15g dried raisins (rince with warm water)

(Coffee banana donuts)


* 100g white flour

* 2 tbsp cane sugar

* A pinch of salt

* 1 tsp baking powder


* 1 banana

* 50cc soy milk



1. Preheat oil to 170 C in a pot.

2. (Carrot donuts) Shred carrot in a medium bowl.

3. Add the soy milk and raisins to the bowl and mix.

4. Add the dry ingredients and mix (don’t overmix).

5. Make small balls with two tea spoon and let them fry in the pot for 1 to 2 minutes, flip and cook 1 to 2 minutes more, until golden brown on both sides and puffy.

6. (Coffee banana donuts) Mash banana in a medium bowl.

7. Add the soy milk and mix.

8. Add the dry ingredients and mix (don’t overmix).

9. Make small balls with two tea spoon and let them fry in the pot for 1 to 2 minutes, flip and cook 1 to 2 minutes more, until golden brown on both sides and puffy.


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