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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#103 / Vegan Ma Lai Go - Malaysian Sponge Cake / ヴィーガン マーラーカオ












調理時間 : 35分 / 難易度 : 簡単



* 薄力粉 100g

* 砂糖 50g

* アーモンドプードル 20g

* ベーキングパウダー 小1/2

* 重曹 小1/2


* 豆乳 90cc

* 白ゴマ油 大2

* メープルシロップ 大1

* しょうゆ 小1

* レーズン 大2


1. ボールにDRYを入れて泡立て器でよく混ぜる。

2. WETを別の器によく混ぜ、1に加えてキレイに混ぜ、型に入れる。

3. レーズンを散らし、蒸し器で25分蒸す。


"Ma lai go", "Chinese sponge cake" or "Malaysian sponge cake", is a fluffy steamed cake that I've loved in the past and still do.

It is said that originally it was made with eggs, honey, baking soda, powder and brown sugar, even with yeast for fermenting.

It has a distinctive and nostalgic flavor that lingers in the mouth.

But I think the scent of vegan version, without eggs and honey, can be made with soy sauce and baking soda.

When you eat it hot, it is so fluffy and fragrant. When it cools down, it becomes moist and chewy, which is also delicious.

You can make it so easy, just mix and steam it.

So it's convenient for when you want to have a snack.

You can use raisins, sweet beans, cranberries, walnuts, or nothing at all.


Cooks in 35 min / Difficulty : easy

Ingredients (6 pieces)


* 100g cake flour

* 50g sugar

* 20g almond powder

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/2 tsp baking soda


* 90cc soy milk

* 2 tbsp vegetable oil

* 1 tbsp maple syrup

* 1 tbsp soy sauce

* 2 tbsp raisins


1. Mix all the DRY ingredients in a medium bowl.

2. In another bowl, mix the WET ingredients.

3. Pour the WET mixture into the DRY mixture and mix well.

4. Put the dough into the molds and place the raisins on top.

5. Steam for about 25 minutes.

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