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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#132 / Vegan Hexenhaus (Gingerbread) / ヴィーガン ヘクセンハウス (ジンジャーブレッド)













材料 (約家8軒分)



* 薄力粉 75g

* アーモンドプードル 25g

* 片栗粉 5g

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* 重曹 小1/4

* ジンジャーパウダー 小1/2

* シナモンパウダー 小1/2

* クローブパウダー 小1/8


* 植物油(白ごま油) 大2

* メープルシロップ 大1

* 豆乳 大1/2


* 粉砂糖 適量

* 水 適量


* アラザン、レッドペッパー お好みで

クッキーの型抜きサイズ (家一軒につき、各2枚必要)







1. オーブンを180℃に予熱する。

2. ボールにDRYの材料を混ぜ、WETを加えてまとめる。

3. クッキングペーパーで生地を挟み、2mm厚さに伸ばす。

4. 家の各パーツを16枚ずつ切りとる。(私は残りをツリーと土台用にしました。)

5. クッキングシートをしいた天板にのせ、180℃のオーブンで15分焼く。

6. 粗熱が取れたら、アイシングで組み立て、飾りをつける。


Spiced cookies and cakes with cinnamon, ginger, and cloves are a classic aroma reminiscent of a warm Christmas. Make delicious gingerbread cookies with these spices, which actually have a warming effect on the body.

Vegan cookies are easy to make because they don't use butter and you don't have to chill the dough. They can be made quickly.

This time, I used gingerbread cookies to make cute little houses.

The size is up to you. You can make a big house too. This time, the size is to make 8 houses of about 5 cm cube.

I took two pieces each of the same shape, front & back, base, roofs, walls and chimney, and combined them to form a house. For the chimneys, to make them thicker, I laminated two pieces together and cut some to fit a roof.

You can also make trees, bells, angels, hearts, candles, or anything with cookie molds, instead of making house. And cut holes in them to decorate the tree.

The cookie dough isn't very sweet, so with icing is the best combination. But if you don't want icing, you can sandwich them between two pieces with jam or chocolate.

They are rustic and pretty whether decorated or not.

Have fun making them!


Ingredients (for 15cm round mold)

“Ginger bread cookies”


* 75g cake flour

* 25g almond powder

* 5g potato starch

* a pinch of salt

* 1/4 tsp baking soda

* 1/2 tsp ginger powder

* 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

* 1/8 tsp clove powder


* 2 tbsp vegetable oil

* 1 tbsp maple syrup

* 1/2 tbsp soy milk

For sugar icing

* some powder sugar

* some water

For decoration

* some red peppers and small dragées for decoration

Cutting size of cookies (2 pieces of each are required per house)

Front & Back of the house...3cm (on the bottom) * 2cm (on the side)

Roof ... 3cm*2.5cm

Side ... 1.5cm*2cm

Chimney ...1.5cm*1.5cm

Base...same as roof


1. Preheat the oven at 180°C.

2. Mix DRY ingredients well in a bowl. (If there are lumps, sift them)

3. Add WET ingredients into the dry mixture, combine until no powder is visible. Don’t kneed.

4. Roll out the dough between parchment papers into 2mm thickness

5. Cut the dough into the size you want or as I mentioned above.

6. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes.

7. Let cool completely.

8. Add a little water to powder sugar and mix well until very thick consistency.

9. Build the house with using icing sugar.

10. Decorate with icing sugar, red peppers, and silver dragees.

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