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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

#146 / Vegan Suan la tang (Chinese Hot and Sour Soup) / ヴィーガン 酸辣湯









"材料" (4人分)

* 昆布 5cm

* 干し椎茸 小2個

* 水 850cc

* ニンニク 1片 (みじん切り)

* ショウガ 1片 (みじん切り)

* エノキ 100g (3cm長さ)

* シメジ 100g (小房)

* ニンジン 60g (千切り)

* 茹でタケノコ 50g (千切り)

* ニンジン 60g (千切り)

* キャベツ 60g (千切り)

* トマト 小2個 (1cm角切り)

* 植物油 大1.5


* 黒酢 大3

* 醤油 大3

* みりん 大3

* 味噌 大1/2

* メープルシロップ 大1/2

* こしょう たっぷりめ

* 絹豆腐 150g50g

* 片栗粉 大1.5

* 水 大2

* 胡麻油 大1/2

* ラー油 お好みで

* モヤシ お好みで

* 豆苗 お好みで

* 中華麺 お好みで(4人分)


1. 昆布と干し椎茸を、850ccの水に入れ、冷蔵庫に一晩おく。

2. 鍋に油を熱し、ニンニク、ショウガを炒め、香りが出てきたら、ニンジン、タケノコ、キャベツ、キャベツ、エノキ、シメジ、トマト、干し椎茸、昆布を加えてしっかり炒める。

3. 昆布椎茸水と調味料を加え、沸いたら弱火で5-7分煮る。

4. 絹豆腐をのせ、水溶き片栗粉を加え、豆腐を崩しながらとろみをつくまで1-2分加熱する、

5. 火を止め、胡麻油と胡椒を加える。

6. お好みでラー油と野菜を添える。

7. お好みで麺を加えて、酸辣湯麺にしてもよい。


Hot and sour soup is one of the soups in Chinese cuisine.

I used lots of vegetables, Japanese vegetable soup stock, black vinegar, Chinese chili oil, and pepper to make a delicious vegan hot and sour soup.

The wonderful thing about Chinese food is that the many ingredients bring out the best in each other, making it full of flavor.

This soup is also hearty and truly nourishing, with excellent flavors from all the ingredients.

You can even use different kinds of mushrooms. You may also omit ingredients that are not available and replace them with different vegetables. The important thing is to make a broth from a variety of vegetables.

I also recommend adding green onions, onions, and kikurage mushrooms.

There are many ingredients, but all you have to do is just cut vegetables, fry and cook everything. It is very easy.

It is also very tasty with noodles added to make a "hot and sour soup noodles".


"Ingredients” (4 servings)

(vegetable broth)

* 5cm kombu (sliced after rehydrated)

* 2 pieces dried shiitake mushroom (sliced after rehydrated)

* 850cc water

* 1 clove garlic (finely chopped)

* 1 clove garlic (finely chopped)

* 100g enoki mushrooms (3cm length)

* 100g shimeji mushrooms (divide into small pieces)

* 60g carrot (shredded)

* 60g cooked bamboo shoots (shredded)

* 60g cabbage (shredded)

* 2 small tomatos (cut into 1cm cubes)

* 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil

(For seasoning)

* 3 tbsp black vinegar (or balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar)

* 3 tbsp soy sauce

* 3 tbsp mirin

* 1/2 tbsp miso

* 1/2 tbsp maple syrup

* 150g silken tofu

* 1.5 tbsp potato starch

* 2 tbsp water

* 1.5 tsp sesame oil

* enough pepper (to taste)

* Chinese chili oil (to taste)

* Bean sprouts, as desired

* Bean seedlings, as desired

* Chinese noodles, as desired (4 servings)



1. Soak kombu and dried shiitake mushrooms in 850cc of water overnight in a fridge to rehydrate. After rehydrated, take out kombu and shiitake mushrooms, slice. Set aside.

2. Chop garlic and ginger, shred all the remaining vegetables.

3. Mix well together vegetable broth, soy sauce, black vinegar, mirin, miso, maple syrup. Set aside.

4. Heat oil in a large pot and add garlic and ginger. Saute until fragrant, then add all the already sliced vegetables and kombu. Stir-fry until vegetables are soft enough.

5. Add seasoning water into the pot. When boiled, reduce the heat. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.

6. Turn down the heat. Put tofu on the top of the soup.

7. Mix potato starch and water very well then slowly pour into the soup. Cook while stirring well for about 1,2 minutes.

8. Once the soup becomes slightly thicken, put off the heat and drizzle some sesame oil and pepper.

9. Ladle soup into serving bowls and garnish with other vegetables you prefer and hot oil if you like.

10. You can also add boiled noodles.

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