“ハーブ入りトマトソース マリナーラ風”
材料 (2人分)
* オリーブオイル 大1
* ニンニクみじん切り 2片
* タマネギみじん切り 1/4個
* トマト缶 1缶
* パセリの茎 生なら数本 ドライなら大1
* オレガノ 生なら数本 ドライなら小2
* チリパウダー お好みで
* 塩 小1/2
1. 鍋にオイルを熱し、タマネギとニンニクを1分ほど炒める。
2. トマト缶、パセリ、オレガノ、チリパウダー、塩を入れ、沸いたら弱火で15分ほど煮る。
3. ハーブを取り出す。
* レンズ豆 100g
* オートミール 60g
* カシューナッツ 30g
* ひまわりの種 20g
* ニンニク 小1片
* タマネギ 1/4個
* パセリの葉みじんぎり 大2
* ドライオレガノ 小1
* しょうゆ 大1
* マスタード 小1
1. オーブンを180度に予熱する。
2. レンズ豆はたっぷりの湯で20分煮て水気をしっかり切る。
3. フードプロセッサーにオートミールとカシューナッツ、ひまわりの種を入れて細かくなるまでしっかり撹拌する。
4. 残りの材料を加えて食感が残る程度に軽く撹拌し、まとまったら大1ずつ丸める。
5. クッキングペーパーをしいた天板の上に並べ、180度のオーブンで20分焼く。
Marinara sauce is originally made simply with garlic, olive oil, tomatoes, and oregano or basil, without onions.
However, I like to add cooked onions for richness and sweetness, so this time I also added onions as a marinara sauce.
It is convenient to have this sauce in the fridge! It can be used not only for pasta, but also for pizza or toast, used as a dip instead of tomato salsa, served over sautéed vegetables, or over rice.
In this video, the sauce is for two.
Vegan meatballs are, after all, a great source of high-quality protein using beans.
This time, I didn't use oil, so they are very healthy meatball style, but if you don't want to use the oven, you can grease a frying pan and cook them.
Without oil, the meatballs don't get oily when cold and can be eaten really light, and they are tender and delicious even when eaten cold in a sandwich or on pita bread.
It is also recommended to add it to green leaf salads for a more balanced and hearty meal.
It is also convenient to store them in the refrigerator or freezer.
You can use them like ground meat by breaking it up and stir-frying it.
“Tomato sauce with herbs”
Ingredients (for two persons)
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1/4 onion, minced
* 1 can tomatoes
* Some fresh parsley or 1 tbsp dry parsley
* Some fresh oregano or 2 tsp oregano
* pinch of chili pepper, optional
* 1/2 tsp salt
1. In a medium pot, add oil and saute garlic and onion for 1 minute.
2. Add the tomatoes, parsley, oregano, chili pepper and salt.
3. Bring to a boil, turn down heat to low and simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Remove the herbs.
“Vegan meatballs”
Ingredients(for 24 balls)
* 100g lentils
* 60g oatmeal
* 30g cashew nuts
* 20g sunflower seeds
* 1 clove garlic
* 1/4 onion
* 2 tbsp parsley leaves minced
* 1 tsp oregano leaves
* 1 tbsp soy sauce
* 1 tsp mustard
1. Preheat the oven at 180C
2. Rinse the lentils and add in the boiled water. Let gently simmer for 20 minutes. Drain off any excess liquid
3. Add oatmeal and cashew nuts in a food processor and process until finely grind.
4. Add the rest of the ingredients in the food processor and pulse a few more times until the mixture is combined but the lentils still have some texture.
5. Roll 1 tbsp of the lentil mixture into balls. Arrange them in a single layer on the baking sheet.
6. Bake at 180C in the oven for 20 minutes.