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  • 執筆者の写真Michie

YouTube recipe "Vegan overnight oats" / "ヴィーガン オーバーナイトオーツ"




























 オートミール(ロールドオーツorクイックオーツorインスタントオーツ) 大5

 チアシード 小1.5

 塩 少々

 メープルシロップ 大1


~ゴールデン オーバナイトオーツ~

 ターメリックパウダー 小1/4

 シナモンパウダー 小1/4

 ココナツミルク 150cc




~モカ オーバナイトオーツ~

 ココアパウダー 大1

 コーヒー 100cc

 豆乳 30cc



~ヨーグルト オーバナイトオーツ~

 豆乳ヨーグルト 大5

 豆乳 150cc



~ベリー オーバナイトオーツ~

 ミックスベリー 60g

 豆乳 150cc

 レモン絞り汁 小2(ビデオでは、事前に絞って冷凍したレモン汁を使っています)



~抹茶 オーバナイトオーツ~

 抹茶 小1/4

 豆乳 150cc

 刻んだドライイチジク 1個




1. 基本の材料を瓶に入れる。(300cc以上ある大きさの器がよい)

2. お好みのアレンジの材料を入れる。

3. よく混ぜ、一晩寝かせる。

4. 6-8時間後、よく混ぜてお好みのトッピングをのせる。

* 6-8時間後すぐに食べない場合は、冷蔵庫に保存する。


Overnight oatmeal in a jar is a famous, easy and delicious meal.

Oatmeal is processed to make it easier to eat. It is a type of wheat, but it doesn’t contain gluten.

It contains protein, lipids, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and everything.

Since it doesn't have vitamin C, eating with fruit will make it a very balanced meal.

Oatmeal (rolled oats or quick oats), same as brown rice, nuts and beans, must be soaked or cooked to avoid phytic acid (which interferes with nutrient absorption) and is not good for digestion.

However, soaking it overnight allows you to get plenty of nutrition without straining your body.

We recommend soaking at room temperature (6 hours or more), but if the temperature is too high or you are worried, put it in the refrigerator longer (it is possible to eat it after 6 hours but check it if it becomes soft and creamy).

It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days after being soaked for 6-24 hours.

Rolled oats and quick oats are lightly steamed to remove husks. It is nearly raw and has high nutritions so we highly recommend it.

But if you are not good at digestion, use instant oats (which is already cooked).

The appeal of overnight oats is that you can make it super easily without cooking. You just mix the ingredients in a jar and let it rest overnight. And you get a delicious, nutritious breakfast or dessert or snack. It takes only 3-5 minutes.

A simple recipe to remember is Oats: Liquid = 1:2.

Plus a pinch of salt and sweetness.

If you add yogurt, lemon, or apple cider vinegar, it’s more digestive.

This time, we are introducing five variations of flavors.

We use soy milk or coconut milk for liquid, but you can use whatever you like, such as oat milk or almond milk.

Oatmeal is a carbohydrate, so adding protein and fiber such as nuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and other seeds is better for breakfast.

If you love sweets, you can add more sweetness or fruit or dried fruit.

Also you can skip maple syrup and let it be salty. You can add nuts butter to make it richer.

Every topping is your choice.

You can also eat hot overnight oatmeal heated in the microwave or on the stove.


“Vegan overnight oatmeal” (1 glass jar for 1 person)



* 5 tbsp rolled oats or quick oats

* 1.5 tsp chia seeds

* a pinch of salt

* 1 tbsp maple syrup


~For golden overnight oats~

* 1/4 tsp turmeric powder

* 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder

* 150cc coconut milk (soy milk is also ok but I love the combination of coco milk and spices)

(For topping)

* cinnamon powder, walnuts, raisin

~For moca overnight oats~

* 1 tbsp cocoa powder

* 100cc coffee

* 30cc soy milk

(For topping)

* banana, chocolate, almonds

~For yogurt overnight oats~

* 5 tbsp vegan yogurt (I used soy yogurt)

* 150cc soy milk

(For topping)

* plum, pumpkin seeds

~For berry overnight oats~

* 60g berries

* 150cc soy milk

* 2 tsp lemon juice (in a video I used lemon juice that I had already squeezed and freezed)

(For topping)

* berries, yogurt

~For matcha overnight oats~

* 1/4 tsp matcha powder

* 150cc soy milk

* 1 dried fig (chopped)

(For topping)

* dried fig, matcha powder, coconut cream


1. Add the basic ingredients into your jar. (Better to use a jar or container of more than 300cc. )

2. Add the other ingredients of your favorite arrangement.

3. Mix well and let it rest overnight.

4. After 6-8 hours, mix well again and add your favorite toppings.

* If you don’t eat immediately after 6-8 hours, keep it in a fridge.

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