1. 穀物を食べること
2. 旬の野菜を選ぶこと
3. 豆類を食べること
4. ナッツやシードを加えること
1. ダイエットでお米を抜くように、といわれることもあると思うのですが、私は、穀物を抜くことよりも、穀物を選ぶポイントが大事だと思っています。お米を食べるなら玄米、パンを食べるなら全粒粉入り。玄米や全粒小麦、キヌアやオートミールは、ビタミンもミネラルもあり、タンパク質も食物繊維もあります。白いお米や粉は、栄養価がずっと落ちるので、ぜひ茶色い穀物を取り入れてみてください。茶色い穀物は表面も全部食べます。ぜひ農薬のかかっていないものを買いましょう。
2. 旬の野菜は、とっても栄養価が高いです。そして値段も安い。年中なんでも買えるスーパーではなく、地元野菜のとれたてが入ってくるようなお店を探しましょう。無農薬野菜はもちろん理想的ですが、私は、旬の野菜を選ぶことを優先しています。今この瞬間のパワーをいっぱい秘めたお野菜たちです。美しく元気なお野菜を選びましょう。生でも茹でても炒めても、なんでもいいのです。冷蔵庫にあるものをなんでも組み合わせて穀物に乗せてしまいましょう。
3. 豆類はヴィーガンの大切なタンパク源となります。野菜にも穀物にもタンパク質は含まれますが、豆類はとても豊富なので、手軽に十分な量をとることができます。また肉と比べて消化もよく、油が少なめなので、抜群に健康的な食材です。乾燥の豆を戻して炊いたものは抜群に美味しいのでおすすめですが、缶詰だって大丈夫。大豆製品は、日本人にはありがたいくらい豊富なので、お豆腐や油揚げ、厚揚げ、きなこ、おから、高野豆腐、お味噌やテンペも。茹でた豆を混ぜるだけでも美味しいです。つぶしてポテトサラダのようにしてもいいし、ディップにしてもいい、パンに塗ってもいい、ピューレにしてスープにしてもいい。タンパク質なので、満腹感、満足感をしっかり与えてくれます。
4. ナッツやシードは、体にとても良い油が豊富です。オメガ3やビタミンを含むナッツもたくさんあります。お肌も助けてくれる食材。大量に食べるものではないですが、毎日少しふりかけて食べるととても栄養バランスを補ってくれる、美味しくて食感も良い、素晴らしい食材です。
Although vegan is no longer an uncommon word these days, people still ask, what kind of food is vegan food? My view is that the real knowledge for vegan food is not yet widespread.
Isn't vegan cooking difficult? How about taking protein? Isn't it satisfying? Is it enough nutritious? Do you eat eggs? I have been asked many questions.
But the truth is, vegan cooking is easy once you know the rules.
All you have to do is get the point and then no worry about nutritional balance or eating too much.
It is much easier to wash the dishes, the garbage doesn't smell worse, and the cooking procedure and preparation are simple. And of course good for our health.
This time, for those of you who are thinking, "If it's so easy, I might as well make vegan food!, I will tell you which ingredients to choose.
In the video, I show you how I assemble my plates, and I hope you will find it helpful.
There are only four points.
1. eat grains.
2. choose vegetables that are in season.
3. eat legumes.
4. add nuts and seeds.
This will help to balance most of your nutritional needs.
1. I know people are sometimes told to skip rice in their diet, but I believe that the point of choosing grains is more important than skipping grains. If you eat rice, choose brown rice; if you eat bread, choose whole grain bread. Brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa and oatmeal have vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. White rice and flours have much less nutritional value. So choose more nutritious grains. And buy those that are free of pesticides.
2. Vegetables in season are very nutritious. They are also inexpensive. Look for stores that carry freshly picked local vegetables, rather than supermarkets where you can buy everything all year round. Of course, pesticide-free vegetables are ideal if possible, but I think it's more important to choose vegetables that are in season. These vegetables are full of power at this very moment. Choose vegetables that are beautiful and powerful. Eat raw, boiled, stir-fried, whatever. Combine whatever you have in your refrigerator.
3. legumes are an important source of protein for vegans. Both vegetables and grains contain protein, but legumes are so abundant that you can easily get enough of them. They are also easier to digest than meat and contain less oil, making them an outstandingly healthy food. I recommend dried beans that have been rehydrated and cooked, as they are outstandingly tasty, but canned beans are also fine. Soy products are thankfully abundant for the Japanese, so are tofu, fried tofu, thick fried tofu, okara, kinako, miso and tempeh. Simply mixing boiled beans to everything is also delicious. You can mash them up like mashed potato salad, make a dip, spread them on bread, puree them and make soup. Since they are a protein, they give you a good sense of fullness and satisfaction.
4. nuts and seeds are rich in wonderful oils for you. There are nuts that contain omega 3 and vitamins. You shouldn't eat too much, but they are a wonderful, tasty, textured food that can be sprinkled a little each day to supplement your nutritional balance very well.
When you assemble your plate with these four tips in mind, you are sure to achieve a good nutritional balance. Not only are they nutritious, but they also combine different textures, making them fun, satisfying and pleasing to the eye, and making it easy to create a plate served at a café at home.
Other items that I would like to suggest to take it to the next level are seaweed and fermented foods. They are also very important actually so, try to add a little bit of wakame, hijiki, kombu, arame, nori, pickles, natto, sauerkraut, kimchi, and many other things.